Chapter Six

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"What are you doing here?"

Sienna looked at Moonbin, incapable of saying anything at first. She then straightened up, and gave him a small smile. "Mr Jie asked me to find a document for him. I can't find it now, I'll just ask him tomorrow," Sienna said as she put the papers correctly where she had found them. Moonbin frowned.

"I didn't know Mr Jie trusted someone who just got into the company, so quickly," he said. He paused for a moment. "Tell me the truth, Brooke."

Sienna felt her heart tighten, and a knot twisting her stomach. She was stuck, and she knew she wouldn't get out of this situation so easily. She wrecked her brain, trying to find a solution, but she felt like whatever she would say, Moonbin wouldn't believe her. "Look," she sighed. "I..." She was interrupted by Moonbin's phone ringing. He picked it up, and got out of the office to talk. Sienna took that opportunity to get out as well and lock the door behind her. She waited for Moonbin to finish, and they both went out of the building. They didn't talk until they found a bar, went in, sat down and ordered drinks.

"So," Moonbin said, "what were you doing in my boss's office?"

Sienna stiffened, and took a sip of her beer. "Like I said--"

"No," Moonbin interrupted. "The truth." Sienna stared at the young singer, anxiety making it hard for her to concentrate and stay in character. Besides, the way he looked at her made her feel even worse about her lying to him. That word, 'truth', kept on ringing inside her head, echoing and hurting her heart.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "Why don't you think this isn't the truth?"

"First of all, you didn't have the keys to his office, which means you broke into it. Then you got scared to death when I caught you, which means you were stressed, and doing something you shouldn't be doing."

Sienna kept her eyes riveted on the table, tightening her glass to stop her hand from trembling. This was going so bad right now... It seemed like there was no way out of this situation. Maybe... What if she told him a little truth? It was a risk, but right now, she couldn't see any other option. "I can't tell you," she breathed.

"Why?" Moonbin frowned.

Sienna took a deep breath. "Listen... Moonbin...", she said, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach as she pronounced his name, "I..." Sienna placed her face between her hands for a short moment, her elbows on the table, then sat up and looked back at Moonbin. "Okay... We don't know each other very well yet. Don't you think? How about we get to know each other better first? I do not ask you to trust me, especially if I'm keeping secrets right now..."

"I can sense that you're stressed right now. Let's forget about this. I won't tell anyone what I saw, and I won't ask again. I agree with you, and I would love to get to know you better." Moonbin smiled, as he took a sip of beer. They started drinking and talking, asking each other questions. "Favorite food?"


"Chicken. How about... tea or coffee?"

"Coffee. Can't live without it."

"Me neither."

"Favorite animal?"

"Cat. I have one."

"Oh, what's its name?"

"Roa. Named after Astro's fan base. You?"


"Cute. Favorite colour?"

"Oh, that's a pretty intimate one," Sienna teased, making Moonbin smile. "Green. You?"

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