Chapter Two

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The next day, Sienna woke up and checked her phone, still half asleep. She growled as she saw the time : 6am. Ugh, that time difference was going to be difficult! She threw her phone on the pillow next to her and turned around to try and fall asleep again, but it was no use. She gave up, and decided to do some work-out. She put on a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt, did her hair into a ponytail, put on her trainers, and went in the kitchen to get a bottle of water. She was about to leave when she realised she had forgotten her phone and earplugs. She turned back and went to fetch them. Earplugs in her ears, music playing, she was ready. When she walked past the receptionist, she slightly bowed and smiled.

"Annyeonghaseyo," she said.

She went outside, and was happy to realise that because it was still so early in the morning, the temperature was fresh. She took a deep breath and started running with small strides, controlling her breathing. After an hour, she was sweaty and breathing a little hard, but she knew she could continue. So she decided to go and check where that Fantagio company was. She arrived in front of the building, and stopped, admiring it.

"So, this is where I'll be working for the next year," she whispered, not impressed. "Nice place," she nodded.

She opened her bottle of water and started drinking. She suddenly choked and spit water when she saw a tall handsome man with pink hair coming out of a car, and coming towards the entry. Moonbin.

"Shit!" she whispered.

She glanced around, looking for a way to escape, and ended up just running away as fast as possible, hoping he wouldn't have seen her or recognised her. Fortunately for Sienna, Moonbin hadn't seen her. She stopped running after a kilometer to catch her breath.

"Well, that was a close one!" she exclaimed. "I really have to be more careful, what was I thinking?! But honestly, who in their right mind goes to work at 7am in the morning!"

Sienna quickly glanced around her and walked back to her hotel, went up to the Penthouse and hit the shower. After a nice breakfast, she opened her computer and started working, until lunch time. Thinking it wasn't safe for her anymore to go out around Seoul, Sienna decided to have lunch in her Penthouse. It wasn't until late in the afternoon that she received a text from Simon, telling her he had arrived. Ah! Finally! Now the fun would begin! Sienna threw her phone on her bed, kicked her shoes off of her feet, making them fly across the room, and jumped high before landing on her bed. She connected her phone to the speaker and played a song, putting it as loud as the device allowed it. Then she got up, grabbed her hair-brush, using it as a microphone and started singing while dancing, all around the huge apartment.

That evening, Sienna felt like her mission really was beginning, like this time it was for real, and she was thrilled. Although, she had to be extra careful now... She couldn't make the mistake to run into him again, and ruin the reason why she was here. And running away was just too risky : what if he spotted her and ran after her? She had to think of something better. A disguise. So she could go out without the fear of meeting him. First of all, she had to wear sunglasses at all times. But that wouldn't be enough... Sienna was pacing around the living room, arms crossed on her chest, one hand stroking her chin. She suddenly stopped and slapped her forehead. Stupid that she was! It was easy! She should have thought about it earlier... Dying her hair seemed to be the best option. She grabbed her coat, shoes and handbag and left her Penthouse again, praying she wouldn't come across Moonbin.

She entered a shop and went straight to the beauty range to find the right product for her hair. It took her half an hour. When she saw the time, she scoffed. "Good thing Simon isn't here, or he would have killed me!" After paying, she went straight back to the hotel, head down, quickly glancing from time to time in front of her, in case there was a signpost or something... Back to her room, she went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror for a long time, still wondering if this was the right decision. She finally sighed and rolled her eyes. "Make a freaking decision!" She grabbed the box, took the products out and started reading the instructions.

Until Death do us Part (FINISHED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora