He purrs as I scratch his chin then looks over to Astrid. He smiles and hops towards her. He nudges himself against her with a smile and gives her a lick of her own. I chuckle and stand up and walk over to them. Astrid gives him plenty of pets and hugs him.

"Nice to see you too Toothless!" She giggles scratching him. "Now, why did he call you Toothless?" She asks and glances my way.

I smile and pet him. "Because he has retractable teeth."

"Really?" She looks to Toothless who does his best gummy smile. She laughs when she sees it and pets him. "You're right, he does. How cool!"

Toothless smiles and hops around, going over to say hi to Elsa and Jack. Elsa gives him all the love while Jack stays nearby. He's not a big fan of Toothless for some reason, but he doesn't mind his company. I've tried asking Jack what's up but he just says he's either too energetic or too much. Honestly, I don't know what he's talking about. Toothless is amazing. He's like a big overgrown dog, and sometimes he'll act like a cat too. Especially when he sees something he can play with, which is usually most of my things.

After Toothless has a chance to say hi to everyone and get some love, I call him over. "Hey bud, you want to go for a flight?" He gets all excited at the word 'flight' and starts jumping around me. I laugh and watch him go in circles. "Alright, is it alright if Astrid comes along?"

As soon as I gesture over to Astrid, he seems to get even more excited and goes over to her. He licks her and then over to me. Oh he's excited alright.

"Alright bud, let's get ready." I laugh and watch as Toothless leans down, allowing us to get on. Once I get on, I hold my hand out to help Astrid get on behind me.

She smiles and takes my hand. "Thank you." She gets on behind me and giggles.

"You ready?" I ask, looking back to her.

She nods with a smile. "Yup!"

"You two have fun! Keep her safe Hiccup!" Elsa calls to us before we even have a chance to take off.

I look over to her and nod. "Don't worry, I'll do all that I can." I smile and then pet the top of Toothless's head. "Alright bud, let's go."

Astrid's P.O.V.

As soon as Toothless takes off, I immediately wrap my arms around Hiccup's waist, not wanting to fall off. I didn't realize he was this fast! I certainly wasn't expecting it, that's for sure. If I didn't have a chance to grab onto Hiccup, I would've fallen off. That would've been bad, in many different ways.

I hear Hiccup chuckle nervously as we get level in the sky. "Sorry... forgot to mention he's a fast dragon."

I smile and look down to Toothless. "That's alright, I can forgive him."

Toothless coos as Hiccup glances back to me a bit confused. "What?"

I look to him and laugh a bit. He looks so cute when he's confused. It's adorable. He looks as if he has no idea what he's done wrong. His emerald green eyes even shine as he looks back at me. I giggle and almost feel myself get lost in them. I don't think I've ever realized how gorgeous his eyes were. They are similar to the Hiccup from the past, but his are different. In a good way of course.

When I glance away, I notice the view in the sky. The way the setting looks from this height is absolutely stunning. I haven't had a chance to this in such a long time. It looks much better without the trees along the side. The water even shows the reflection in the water. The ripples in the water shows the different colors from the fading day into the growing night.

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