Twenty-fifth Verse

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Twenty-fifth Verse

I'm walking away
knowing I will never be missed...
-translated from “Missed”
from Future Colors' first album Future Colors


Manang Mia's last poke sent the man into the corridor, where he fetched up against the older man Bea had noticed earlier.

“President Kang!” Manager Oh exclaimed, and launched into a torrent of Korean, in answer to which the other man merely nodded, put an arm around him, and led him away. 

Bea looked up at Minha, who still looked pale and worried. She raised her eyebrows questioningly.

“President Kang,” he answered. “He's the owner of Royal, Ent., the agency and label we're with.” 

“Agency... owner?” Bea repeated. Uh-oh. He heard everything that Manager Oh said. Minha is going to be in more trouble, isn't he? “Is he going to be mad at you?” She tugged on Minha's hand when he didn't answer at once.

“I... don't know,” Minha said finally. “I hope he isn't going to be mad. Much. Because Jungkyu and I still need to tell him we want to fire Manager Oh.” Looking at the door again, he added, “Annyeonghaseyo, Shingu sunbae,” and bowed.

“Annyeong, Minha-ya,” said the familiar-looking man who had arrived with the agency president. “I'm glad to see you're all right. Everyone was quite worried about you, you know. There still is a mob of fans camped outside of Royal's building, demanding to know how you are.” He smiled and clapped Minha's shoulder.

“Oh!” Bea said suddenly. “You're that guy from the drama that was on TV recently. The guy who was looking for his missing girlfriend who had lost her memory. Till We Meet Again was the title, I think. And you were also the best man at Manong and Manang's wedding.”

“You watched his drama but not mine?” Manong Jay asked, coming up beside his friend. “I'm disappointed, Bebeh-ya.”

“I'm sorry! It's just because I saw his drama on TV and not yours, Manong,” Bea protested quickly.

“See? I'm more famous than you now!” Shingu said to Manong Jay. “You need to get another drama role soon, before you get forgotten!”

Manong Jay laughed and retorted with a word that made Bea glance sharply at him. 

“Did Manong Jay really say 'screw you'?” she whispered to Minha, who turned a laugh into a cough.

“He said 'shikkeureo',” Minha whispered back. “It means 'shut up'.”

“Oh.” And then, as Bea looked back at Shingu, who was carrying an overnight bag, she realized why she had needed to get the room ready. “Oh! I'm sorry, Mr. … um. Manong Jay. I'll finish getting this room ready.  It won't take much longer, I promise.”

“It's all right, Beh, Shingu will just leave his bag here,” Manong Jay said, and Shingu (I forgot his last name-- Bea thought wildly.  What do I call him? Must ask Minha) smiled at Bea and placed his bag on a side table.  Manong Jay turned to Shingu and said something in Korean. The other man clapped him on the shoulder and answered, and they left the room, still talking.

“I didn't realize before that Shingu from Till We Meet Again was Manong Jay's friend,” she said to Minha. “I really, really liked him in that drama-- I cried when he and his girlfriend were separated when they were young. Do you think he'd give me an autograph?”

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