Twenty-fourth Verse

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Twenty-fourth Verse

Because baby I know I know I know
no matter how much I'll miss you
I am never missed and---
I guess it's better to say goodbye...
-translated from “Missed”
from Future Colors' first album Future Colors


Some time earlier...

Bea was slicing onions in the kitchen and listening to Manang Mia talking with Manang Ading, who was frying tilapia, when Jungkyu, Junhee, Sangmin and Myungseok trooped in.

“Noona,” Jungkyu said to Manang Mia. “Please put us to work and tell Manager Oh you did. Butakhalkkeyo.”

Manang Mia narrowed her eyes at him. He folded his hands in front of him as if he were praying. Manang Mia looked at Manang Ading and Bea.

“Well, Bea's just about done with the vegetables...” she began.  The boys looked disappointed.

“But,” she added. “There's meat in the refrigerator. If you want to have it for dinner, there's a grill outside. And if you will look in the store room and see if there's anything else you want to cook...”

“Yes, noona, thank you, noona!” Jungkyu turned to his bandmates and began issuing orders in Korean. They immediately scattered, Sangmin to get the meat, Myungseok to get plates and tongs, Junhee and Jungkyu to the store room off of the kitchen.

Bea frowned, but before she could debate whether or not to speak up, Manang Mia asked the question that was on her mind.

“Where's Minha?”

“I don't know, noona, he was right behind us earlier,” Sangmin answered.

“You don't suppose Manager Oh caught him?” Myungseok asked. They stared at each other and then shook their heads. 

“Nah, not Minmin hyung,” Sangmin said, and headed for the outside door.

“He's probably outside or upstairs,” Myungseok said to Manang Mia, and followed Sangmin.

“Well, someone has to go supervise them, I guess,” Manang Mia observed, and went off after them. 

Jungkyu came out with an armload of sweet potatoes, his eyes sparkling. Junhee followed with some lettuce. They, too, went outside.

Manang Ading and Bea exchanged glances and shrugged. 

“Well, that's it for the vegetables,” Manang Ading said. “I'll finish up the cooking, Beh, so you can go do your homework or whatever before dinner.”

“You sure, 'Nang?” 

“I'm sure, so go on now, shoo.” Manang Ading waved a ladle at her.

“Okay.” Bea went to the sink and washed her hands, wiping them on the hem of her t-shirt as she wandered out to the living room.

She had scarcely sat down at the computer, though, when Manager Oh came out of Manong Jay's study. He looked around for a moment, then called out to her.

“You! Girl. I want coffee.”

Bea was prepared to be amenable to a guest, especially an elder, but his tone grated. “Say please and may I,” she muttered under her breath in Hiligaynon, then inhaled deeply and turned around.

“You complain? You don't like?” He peered at her resentfully. “Why not do your job?” He muttered at her in Korean.

Just then Manong Jay walked into the living room from the master bedroom. He had changed into jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt, and Bea wondered if he was going out.

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