Sixteenth Verse

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Sixteenth Verse

When I'm looking at you
When I'm looking at you like this
when you're talking to me
when you're talking to me of many things
do you know how much I'm hoping this is real?
-translated from “Do You Really Know”
from Future Colors' first album Future Colors


Seoul, South Korea
Five days ago...

 “How are you feeling?” Jungkyu asked as he came into the room.

 “I wish they'd let me go home, already,” Minha whispered. “But everyone keeps telling me to stop worrying about it and rest!”

 “And you have to rest,” his friend said firmly, pushing him back down when he tried to sit up. “After what happened. It wouldn't have happened if you weren't tired and stressed out.”

 “But, Jungie-ya...” Minha wanted to raise his voice, but it broke off on the last syllable. Jungkyu gave him an exasperated look. “You're not supposed to be talking,” the band leader pointed out. 

 Minha glared even more, than reached for his handphone and began typing. When he finished, he shoved the phone at Jungkyu.

 - I can't run away from Manager Oh, I can't even talk back to him. It's driving me crazy. Take me back to the dorm and let me lock the door. Please?

 “You know the doctors said you have to stay here for a while longer,” Jungkyu said with a sigh. “Just close your eyes and tune out old Flapmouth. If you sleep, you won't hear him.”

 -Easier for you to say. You're not the one trapped in this bed while he drones on for hours.  I could scream.

 “Just try to keep from talking, okay. Your throat needs to get better.” Jungkyu glared back.

 Someone knocked on the door. Both boys looked up to see Mia noona peek into the room.

 “May I come in?” she asked.

 “Sure, noona,” Jungkyu said, coming to meet her. She handed him a basket of fruit and came to sit by Minha's side.

 “How is our patient?” she asked. 

 “Grumpy, as usual,” Jungkyu answered. Minha glared and shoved the phone at him.

 -Stop answering for me!

 “Grumpy and petty,” the other guy added. “I'm going out to get some water, noona, so you can have a nice chat. It's a good thing you know Hangul. And that Minmin's typing it instead of writing. You really don't want to be reading his awful foot-writing, noona.”

Ya! Minha's mouth opened wordlessly. He shook his fist at his friend. Jungkyu grinned and bowed out of the room, but poked his head back in for another shot.

“Tsk. Such behavior in front of Mia noona. Really, Minmin-ah, you must learn to behave.”

Just wait till I get my voice back, you bad friend.

“Jungkyu's having a bit of fun with you losing your voice, huh?” Mia noona observed. “Don't raise your arm too much, kiddo, it interferes with your I.V. Just lay it flat so it will flow better.”

Minha reached for his phone.

-Noona, get me out of here, please, before Manager Oh arrives.

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