𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈 | 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞

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♪ - Song: walk but in a garden by Llusion - ♪

♪ - Song: walk but in a garden by Llusion - ♪

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Your last days in Brazil were nice. Jesus accepted your apology but didn't contact you since you and Grabriel went to São Paulo and you enjoyed everything the big city had to offer. You went to various parties but couldn't bring yourself to kiss anyone because an image of Tom came to your mind every time.

Finally, you were heading home. Your sister's wedding was in a week and you had to work extra hours at work. You didn't really like working but it provided you with good money. As much as you wanted to be an actress, casting directors would always tell you that you'd be better for a different role, so you started working at a business in order to get enough money for daily life in New York.

"Is everything packed? Are you sure you're not missing something?" Alex said through the phone. You were facetiming while you waited for your flight to board.

"I've got everything, don't worry." you replied, "remember, the gate I'm arriving at is Gate C."

You chatted for a while until you had to board the plane. You had the window seat next to a woman and her son who looked to be 5 years old.

Throughout the plane, you watched several Marvel movies. You then drifted to sleep and dream that Tom played Spiderman in the MCU - what a crazy dream - you woke up for meals and to go to the bathroom every now and then.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in New York. Please remain seated as we prepare for landing." the pilot announced.

You entered JFK with relief to finally be close to your bed. As you picked your bag, your phone bursts with texts. Many from your sister wishing you a safe flight. You then realize you never answered Tom.


Hey, didn't want to be like
you and wanted to tell you
that I'm back in New York.

We can talk in two weeks,
I'm very busy with work
and Alex's wedding.
(delivered at 10:56 pm)

As you exit through Gate C, you see Alex eagerly waiting for you. You run up to her and hug her as if you hadn't seen each other in years.

"(Y/N)!! I missed you so much!" Alex exclaimed as you stop hugging.

"I missed you too, dimbo," you replied, "I'm so happy to be back. Brazil was nice but it felt like a fever dream."

In the car, you yawn many times and recline your seat a little to help you sleep for a bit. Once you arrive at your apartment, you offer Alex something to drink but she tells you to sleep.

So you do, you put your bag on the floor of your bedroom, change into clean pjs, and immediately go to bed, you were exhausted.

- the next day at 12 pm -

You wake up by the sound of someone pounding at your door. As you get up, you notice that you haven't unpacked and the apartment is a bit of a mess already.

Before you open the door, you go to the bathroom and take your makeup off, brush your teeth, wash your face, and make sure your hair isn't a mess.

You open the door of your apartment and there's no one there. You look down to find a flower arrangement basket that includes all of your favorite flowers, along with your favorite chocolates.

"I wonder who sent me these", you thought to yourself. You see there's also a small box along with a letter that has your name written on it.


A/N: this more of a filler chapter than anything but yeah :)) we're only a few chapters away from the end 🥵😁🌿

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