chapter 1

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(Erin's POV)

I was sitting so quietly. Everyone was so excited and was fussing about it. But
to be honest I was scared. Finally, it was time. Everyone got ready to jump. One by one four of them jumped but I was stuck. Mary shouted before jumping,
‘’come on Erin, jump. It’s awesome.’’
I saw Mary, Sandy, Tanya, Onia were flying like birds. My hands were literally shaking.
who told me to skydive, again? Oh yeah it was my idea, no one to blame.

we Humans are so strange. we want to taste  everything. I also wanted to experience everything. I was free. An independent woman after my college graduation. So there I was, moving around the world with my four best friends before starting my career. Now I was back to my old city where I spent my childhood. London city. we were not alone. my mom came here in one of her old friend’s house. So me and my friends joined my mom, Amelia Azad. her friend, Anne Cox used to be our neighbor. Our house no longer belonged to us but we didn’t go to any hotel either. Anne insisted we spent our time in her house since she was alone. Her house was enormous and beautiful so we took place in Anne’s house.
I again heard Sandy calling my name.
‘’ yes, I can do this’’, I said to myself.
I took a deep breath and read out some prayer because who knows I might die. I also prayed to meet him in heaven. I covered my eyes with a bandana because if I keep my eyes open I’m definitely gonna get a heart attack. i gathered some courage and jumped.
Whoa! it felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest. Then I heard my friends shouting. But after some time I couldn’t hear anyone. Even I couldn’t feel my heart beat. Wait, am I dead? Then I felt I was falling down so fast. Really fast. I didn’t even know when I opened the parachute. How could I, the bandana was still in my eyes.

Then I fell. Not on the ground. it felt like I’ve fallen on something. Actually someone as I felt arms around me. I removed the bandana to see. As soon as the little piece of cloth was out of my eyes I definitely thought I was dead and was in heaven. Otherwise how could he be so near to me. My lips slowly uttered looking at his angel face,
‘’ heaven?’’

‘’ what the hell!’’
He said in disgust, yeah because I fell on him, oh wow. Before I could say anything my brain decided to take a break as my heart was doing a tons of work. In plain words- I fainted.
Yup, I fell on the person with whom I’d fallen in love long time ago. Harry Edward Styles. The man of my dream. He is Anne’s one and only son. I never told him about my feelings, you know, fear of rejection and losing what little I had. All my friends knew that I was crazy for him.
(Now let’s get back to the situation)
As I started to regain my senses I saw my mom and Anne came running,
‘’Erin! Is she alright?’’ she asked, worried.
They pulled me from him.
‘’I bet she is! Did she have to fall only on top of me?’’ Harry said. The boy was pissed for sure. Wait, 55kg wasn’t that heavy.
‘’Shut up, harry’’, Anne scolded her son. Always a lovely woman.
My eyes were fluttering and I saw my mom’s worried face again. my friends also came as they landed too.
‘’Erin! Honey, are you alright?” mom asked.
‘’she’s fine. Don’t worry Mrs. Azad. She’s just fainted.’’
Harry said convincingly I heard. Then came a hard splash on my face. “ah! That sting!” I groaned. That boy flapped cold water in my face. Though it infuriated me, my brain started to function right. I was back to sense and saw him again in front of my eyes checking my expression, his brow furrowed, eyes intense on my face. His green eyes made my heart go flutter again. Somehow my friends understood everything as they experienced it before, so they jumped on me saying,
‘’Erin Erin Erin. Please not again. Get up get up. Come on.’’ They pulled me up.
Did They had to do it? Oh yeah Otherwise I would have lost my sense again. However, we went back home. That was enough embarrassment for one day.
All day my mom and Anne stuck together. It’s like their gossip just never going to end. I didn’t get bothered coz I got to stay with my friends. Anne was so thoughtful to arrange the guest room for us so we all girls could stay together. The day was ending and we were sitting round on the bed.

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