Goodbye 🖤

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 "Wow. Jungkook I really like your hair." Jungkook closed his locker with an awkward smile and thanked hoseok. 

"So are you going to Yoongi's game today? I was planning on leaving my stuff here and taking you and jin out to get something to eat while we wait." He walks with him down the hall and Jungkook wanted to run away.

"No actually, I'll be going home and coming back in time for the game. I have to meet with someone." Hoseok hums. 

"Well I should reserve some seats for you then, I heard the sports games here always gets really crowded." Jungkook nodded. "Especially when Yoongi plays? Is it true is he that good?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. 

"Yes, he's good. And you don't have to reserve any seats for me." Hoseok sighs. Jungkook was strong-headed. 

"I like yoongi." He blurts. Jungkook spares him a glance and continues walking. "I wanted to ask him out but I don't know what he likes."

"What he doesn't like is commitment," Jungkook says truthfully. Yoongi was never the type to go on dates with people. He always did what he needed to do at namjoon's party or after school social events such as dances and sports games. One of the reasons Jungkook's crush on him was short-lived. 

"But maybe he can change? I don't know I just really like him." 

"Ok, fine." Jungkook stopped walking. "He likes, basketball, sushi, very inappropriate but he also likes porn, and music, he plays the guitar, he's very protective over things and people he loves, he's smart, he can cook and he likes to help his mom at her restaurant when he can. Does that satisfy you?" Hosoek nods 

"Umm, What about you? You have anyone you like? I'm really just trying to be your friend here." Jungkook took a deep breath and decided to answer his question genuinely. 

"Yes, I do." Hoseok nudges him and Jungkook stops himself from smiling while thinking about jimin. "He's nice, unruly, very handsome, a little shorter than me and he's helped through a lot of things I've been going through lately." 

"he sounds like a great person. does he go to this school? I haven't seen you around with anyone but Jin and Yoongi." He pushes harder just to confirm his brother's theory. 

"No, he doesn't he's just two years older than me so he's not in high school. And I mostly hang out with him at night" Hoseok did the math in his head. If Jungkook was 18 and he was two years older than him he had to be 20 years old. 

The exact age of Park Jimin. 

"Very off topic but where did you get your hair done?" Jungkook thought for a bit. 

"The guy that I liked took me to this salon right outside of town. I think it was a bit on the outskirts of Seoul? It was called..." He thought for a bit. "Actually I have their business card." He reached into his bag and handed him the card. It was the exact salon he thought of. 

"Thanks, I might need to go there." He laughs and Jungkook cracked a small smile. 

"We should probably get going," Jungkook mumbled. Hoseok nodded and looked down at the card. His brother was right. 

Jungkook was hanging out with Jimin. 


The weather was sunny yet chilly as Jungkook hugged himself while waiting for Jimin at the park. He lifted his phone and clicked his father's icon while looking at the scarce, dry messages. The only thing that was there was his icon picture. 

it was an extremely old picture of them when he was ten. When the world was much more tolerable and a lot less painful than what it was now. 

His father hugged him while he sat on his lap with a bright smile. Then, he never knew his father would ever be capable of doing the things he did to him now. 


Good afternoon sir, I won't be coming home early today Yoongi has a basketball game. 


Fair enough, you need to be home by 10 pm your mother and I have something to discuss with you. yeah 

Jungkook looks at his phone and wondered what in the world they could be talking about. He suddenly felt a hand around his waist and he gasped nearly slapping the person behind him. 

"So alert. You ok?" Jungkook let go of a deep breath and placed his hand on his chest while turning around. 

"Yeah, i-im ok I was just a little surprised." He puts away his phone in his hoodie pocket and Jimin narrows his eyes while still gripping onto his waist. Jimin took note of how thin his waist was. 

Jungkook on the other hand was a bit flustered because of how many people from school were there seeing exactly what was happening. Jimin smiled and retreated his hand and proceeded to stuff them in his pockets. 

"Your friend better be worth my night." He says glancing at his watch Jungkook nods. 

"He is. I promise." He held up his right hand and Jimin chuckled while shaking his head. Jimin couldn't care less about watching a whole bunch of amateur highschool boys run around a basketball court in a sweaty jersey and a pair of shorts. He really cared about spending time with Jungkook and making him happy. 

"Oh here comes your sister." Jungkook pointed to a little girl who ran towards them. He picked her up and gave her a kiss in her forehead causing her to giggle and push her brother's baseball cap off his head and wear it herself. Of course, it was a bit big for her head causing Jungkook to laugh. 

She was adorable. 

"I hope you don't mind, She's staying with us for half the game because Taehyung takes care of her and he's going to be at the game for a bit." Jungkkook shook his head while high fiving her. 

"How can I mind she's so cute." Jimin glanced at him and looked at how he high fived her. He wondered why in hells name was someone like him showing interest in someone like jungkook. They were complete opposites. Jimin was cold, held many more secrets, and had no remorse for the wrongs he did whatsoever. Jungkook smiled whatever chance he got despite his crappy life behind closed doors. 

Jimin felt like he changed Jungkook. He knew He influenced Jungkook. But he didn't care. He still looked happy. If jungkook had a say he'd agree Jimin changed him. But for the better. He no longer wanted to be seen as perfect. He was far from the word Just like the rest of the 7.5billion + people that inhabited the earth. 

When someone heard the name Jungkook, he wanted them to think of the guy with the blue hair or the guy who looked like he doesn't give a fuck about what he was wearing. jimin was distracting him from the fact his parents were tearing down the home they built together. 

Jimin wondered how to tell Jungkook exactly who he was or the truth behind some of the things he has done but he was afraid he wouldn't look at him the same. He was afraid Jungkook would no longer want to share a cigarette with him under the glow of millions of stars. But it was eating him alive. 

Maybe if he told him how many people died by his hands he can kiss their growing feelings goodbye.


A/N: the fact you guys trusted hoseok smmhhh 

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