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Jungkook looked in the mirror of the car with the cutest smile while ruffling his newly dyed hair. It was an understatement to say he liked it. He loved it.

  "You really look great." Jungkook thanked him. His blue ends really looked good on him. Jimin took him to a salon where a middle-aged lady really 'touched him up' like Jimin had asked her to.

He felt brand new almost.

"Well I got you home at the right time didn't I?" Jungkook looked out the window and sighed while glancing back at the clock. It was minutes to 5.

"Yeah, you did. Thank you for today Jimin, It means a lot to me." He grabbed his backpack and looks down at his hands.

"You're welcome." He unlocks the door and Jungkook looks back at the house wondering what was in store for him. He was about to leave the car when Jimin pulled him by his arm.

For the second time, they kissed and Jungkook smiled into it, kissing him back while feeling his hand hold the back of his neck. Jimin was an amazing kisser. If he could defy the laws of breathing just like he wished he could last time, he'd kiss him until night falls.

Jimin pulled back and Jungkook breathed in and out as if he ran a marathon. He loved the bubbly feeling in his stomach and the tingly one on his face.

"You look beautiful." Jungkook had never smiled so wide in his life for a guy like the way he was smiling right now. Well except when his friends cracked a joke so stupid it was funny.

"I-I should probably go in." He bowed his head once and the older laughed at the fact he bowed at him after kissing him.

"Yeah, if you need me I'm always a call or a text away." Jungkook nodded and got out of the car.

"Bye, I'll see you hopefully soon." Jimin hummed.

"And Jungkook." He stopped and looked at him with cute brown eyes that made Jimin pause. "If you want that desire of yours to come through... I can always help." He thought back to what he told him in the restaurant and he suddenly got chills.

"Y-you would? But I -,"

"You don't know what I'm capable of baby. If you need help I'll give it to you." Jungkook bit his bottom lip.

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind." He thanked him and closed the door to the car and watched him drive away. Jungkook couldn't help but realize how seconds ago the weather seemed to be amazing. It was just a bit chilly but the sun shined beautifully and the sky was blue.

But now he arrived home it looked as if a category four hurricane was heading their way. He walked up to the house and opened the door, closing it behind him. His mother's shoes were at the entrance and so were his father's but there was no noise. He walked upstairs and soon heard a door open.

"Honey you're home- Oh wow." Mrs. Jeon walked up to her. "My baby looks so beautiful." She says dramatically. Jungkook felt a little better as she patted his head. "It looks so good on you. Sweetheart where'd you get this done?" Jungkook quickly thought of an answer.

"that friend the other night knew someone so I went there after school. I just needed a haircut but I wanted to try something new." Her smile was fond as she examined how good her son looked.

"What's going on." Mr. Jeon came out of the room and put his arm around his mother. Jungkook could see her tense up and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Ahh, you dyed your hair. It looks, a good son." He nodded a bit and looked at his mom one last time.

She looked tired. She was normally tired because of work, but this was a different type of tired. for a deeper description, she looked worn out and as if she stayed up all night running maybe.

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