Chapter 5 • Connecting Trust

Start from the beginning

-Elsewhere ▫ Hidden Leaf ▫-

"Who knows what they may be planning.. Hiruzen we must punish them for their faults!" Danzo complied.

"No! They are nothing but mere adults, they are the strongest we have. If we were to lock them up, we'd just have a bunch of pawns protecting the Leaf, and that isn't enough." Shikaku said.

"I agree, we should listen to Shikaku." Inoichi said.

Kakashi and Hiroyuki mentally thanked the two. They might be strong, but they don't have power over the government.

"Then what shall we do? We couldn't negotiate our way out of this. They'll attack us." Koharu said.

"Maybe even start a war.." Hiroyuki said.

Everyone gasped.

"Do not talk about war! What do you know about real war!?" Danzo said, slamming his hands down on the table.

"Kit, keep your mouth shut!"

Hiroyuki was infuriated.

He'd always hated Danzo.

But he listened, and bit his tongue.

"Danzo! Enough!" Hiruzen said. "We are here to have a conversation, in peace. There are 4 different villages trying to attack us."

"If they were to attack us, what will we do?" Homura asked.


Then the glass window shattered.

"Get down!" Kakashi pushed down Hiroyuki, protecting the red-head.

He got a few pieces of glass in his arm.

"Sorry about that.." Hiroyuki said.

"No, it's fine. Just watch the enemy."

Hiroyuki looked up, seeing a different shinobi from every village.

"What? 4 of the Hidden Villages working together?! That's absurd!"

"It's our duty to kill you." A Mist shinobi said, getting ready to fight. "You have broken our trust, killing the Meisai Clan's leader. Lady Mei should have never trusted you."

The 5 villages formed an alliance of some sort. The Hokage spread news about the red-headed Jounin, Hiroyuki Kazuki; after that, every village took an interest to the boy. They decided if they gained some sort of bond with the Hokage, they would finally meet Hiroyuki.

'That certainly didn't go well.' Hiroyuki thought.

After killing the Clan Head, they broke the Mist's trust, and word just had to spread around the other villages.

Now, nobody trusts the Hidden Leaf.

'I guess it's for the best. You know, the plot stays the same.' Hiroyuki told Kurama.

"Yes, there's only one thing your here to do. That's prevent everyone from dying during the war; but Hiroyuki, I'm your tailed beast, I know you better than anyone else-"

'Actually I know myself better than anyone else.' Hiroyuki sassed, getting in a fighting position.

"Don't try to change the subject, you know what I'm about to say."

Hiroyuki fought back the Mist Ninja, Kakashi fighting a Cloud Ninja, the other 2 Anbu fighting a Stone, and Sand. These ninja's were good, but not good enough. They all defeated them with ease.

"I know there's a part of you that longs to save others outside of the war. You can't run forever, Hiroyuki."

He froze.

Kurama was right.

Hiroyuki wanted to save the others.

From death.

Or even from themselves.

Itachi's death.

Sasuke's path.


It was a lot to take in.

Hiroyuki's breathing speeded up.

Kurama sighed.

There was nothing wrong with wanting to save everyone outside of the war, and Kurama believes that Hiroyuki could do it. He really did.

Nevertheless, one little mistake could prevent the war from happening.

That would be dangerous.

The war is the most important part of the future.

Preventing it is far too dangerous, that's what Kurama's worried about.

"Hiroyuki, are you okay?" Kakashi put his hand on Hiroyuki's back, leading him out of the room. "Excuse us for a minute, please."

The Hokage nodded understandingly, he knew Hiroyuki had secrets, and problems of his own.

Kakashi closed the door.

"What's wrong, Hiroyuki?" He asked worriedly.

"Calm down, Kit.."

"I'm sorry, Kakashi.." Hiroyuki said. "I'm going to get you in so much trouble.."

Hiroyuki cared about his companion.

As much as he wanted to scream out, 'Obito is alive!', he couldn't. It's too dangerous. Not like Kakashi would believe him anyway, but I'm sure he'd take the chance.

"What do you mean..?"

Hiroyuki was hurt that he was hurting his best friend who would never even think about hurting him back.

"I shouldn't.."

Kakashi watched as his companion walked away sadly.

He frowned under his mask.

'Hiroyuki..' he thought.

-Elsewhere ▫ Hidden Leaf ▫-

Hiroyuki walked the streets of the Hidden Leaf, the moon shining down on his lone figure.

"Ahem.." Kurama cleared his throat awkwardly.

Hiroyuki stopped, looking at the stars.

Should he have ran off like that? He didn't know.

It was a lot of pressure for the red-head that went by the name Hiroyuki Kazuki.

Either way, he had been through it before and pushed through, but he had to do it again for everyone he loves.

He sighed, walking away.

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