Prologue: After the Meltdown

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A/N: Finally the sequel is here~! It's not much but above up is what I was attempting to make of what Jade would look like inside the movies. It's not perfect and I was using Shira as a reference for her (sadly because she's the only female saber that has appeare) but I am proud of how she turned out in the end. :D I wanted to make her relatively smaller and less muscular than the others. Anyways, I know it's short- my brain sorta fritzed with how to reintroduce the characters' since the last book but I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless! <3


"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" My scream broke that silence tranquillity- the quiet night shattered by it as I shot up from my nightmare once again. I didn't register just where, when, or what till my eyes saw the glowing light of the moon high above. I was somewhere far away- far away and safe. My paws trembled, my claws twitching to retract and attack but I took in a deep breath, forcing them back out of sight.

I climbed down from the makeshift bed I had given myself out of the 5-day journey I took away from the herd- my excuse being of a special surprise to give Manny and Ellie when their child would come. Everyone was happy- we were all one big happy family and we were safe with one and another. There was no reason for me to be suffering from nightmares yet here I was...

It happened the same as always; the herd was living our life, doing what we did when the world suddenly went to hell and my family was taken away in a blink of an eye. I faced Soto- I faced the animals who took my mom, my dad, my sisters away... I tried but nothing would work, and I would be forced down to watch my loved ones be killed in ways no one should ever see. Yet for some reason, Diego was the last one... No matter what the day, scenario, or animal who did it, he was always the last one I was forced to see go last.

I shook my head when the nightmare started to replay, making me see that horrible scene again. "I don't understand... why is he always last?? I love everyone the same, why do you make me see Diego get taken last??!" I shouted out into the night; tired, frustrated, and afraid in case an answer did come. I had some ideas but none were anything I wanted to be true.

Yeah sure, Diego was my best friend by this point- he and I were practically inseparable mammals in crime and he was the only one I trusted enough to be convinced that telling the others I was so deathly afraid of heights was okay but that still didn't seem reason enough to be why I kept on seeing him be the remaining one in my nightmares each and every night. Part of me wondered if maybe the fact he was the only male saber I've been around was a reason for it but that was just cruel to both him and me. The only other reason I could think of up was that maybe... just maybe I was starting to gain some... feelings for him.

I laughed to myself, shaking my head, "Oh Jade girl, you're getting delusional. There's no way. You and love? Please, Sid the Sloth has a better chance than you." But that was something I told myself every time when I tried to decipher why. Every single time- those words came out of my muzzle, and I'd leave it at that, but I kept thinking... 'What if, I really am starting to feel something for Diego more than just a friend...?'

I shook my head once again, looking off to the distance, "That's doomed to fail if it was true... there's no way he would feel the same." I closed my eyes, sighing heavily, "If him being the last saber on earth was the reason for this, you know it's not the same for him." 

I knew Diego better. I knew him as about as good as he knew me. He would never be one for romance, he loved being that independent bachelor, and unlike Sid, he wouldn't go across the continent to search for someone to die with, he was perfectly happy with his single lifestyle. If the world threw us both into the same situation that Manny and Ellie met under, I was sure that wouldn't have the same ending as those two did.

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