Chapter 4. A Trip Down The Chasm

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"Jade, just what the heck happened to ya when we got separated?" Crash was the one to ask as the possums decided to hitch a ride on my head,

"And why do you have green eyes??" Eddie then asked excitedly, hanging from his tail upside to be in front of my eyes,

"Well long story short, Momma Dinosaur wasn't too happy I was using her as a ride, so she flung me far. I ended up crashing against what I guess was ice and fell down here. Andreas was the one to find me and fix me back up."

"Her green eyes came to be because the medicine I was using to heal the scars entered her irises and they changed the color." The second voice took me by surprise as the dark saber was now walking at my side.

"You followed?"

"Ah Buck's got a knack for the theatrics. I'm not about to let you and your herd roam around here without a guide."

"And you are the best option?" Diego asked, giving him a raised eyebrow yet I couldn't help but notice the sharp edge of his voice and the quick narrow of his eyes towards the male on my right. 

I don't know if Andreas caught it too yet he gave a small laugh as if he was finding it amusing with what Diego asked. He met his green eyes and gave him an all-too-smug grin, "I've lived here a loooong time. I think I would know my way around Undertopia by now."

"Now why are you here?" Ellie was the next to ask, "I honestly thought Jade and Diego were about the last of the sabers we'd ever see."

"Oh trust me, there were others." Manny argued, shaking his head in disagreement which caused Diego to give a scoff,

"Except one's dead and the other three ran for their lives." He reminded, giving a glance back towards our leader, though the flames of hatred burned deep within his eyes at the mention of his old pack.

"I'm taking this is the incident you four keep referring to as the Ice Age incident?" Ellie then asked, looking towards her husband who nodded,

"It was Sid who gave it that nickname anyway."

"Okayyy I'm getting some time jumps from this?" Andreas then questioned, dragging it out as he looked from the mammoths to me,

"Another long story short, it was mainly Diego, Manny and Sid, the sloth we're searching for, that was the original group in the start then I was added, we returned a human child home to his dad while Diego's old pack chased us down. Theeennn we met Ellie and the possums here during the Meltdown, crazy shenanigans ensued, annnnnd we're here."

"Sooo a herd of two mammoths, two possums, two sabers and a sloth wasn't the original number." Andreas summed it, making me nod.

"Yep! Now all we gotta do is wait for a female sloth to join and we will have officially be times 2 of the original trio."

"For the love of god, Jade, don't jinx us!" Diego and Manny were the ones to chorus, making me turn around to walk backwards so I could face them both. I couldn't help but grin, getting Andreas to shake his head yet he was smiling from what I could see,

"Oh come on~ I think if anything Sid deserves a female companion~!"

"Jade, a female version of Sid." The mammoth emphasized, even widening his eyes to get his point across. "Do you even realize what that means??"

"Hey who said she's going to be exactly like Sid?" I reminded, "Besides he's not so bad!"

"Oh yeah, remember his insulting naivety to Manny's then single status?" Diego shot back,

"His torturing of you and Diego?" Manny then added on,

"Or what about his 'Food Glorious Food' singing?"

Ice Age: Unwanted Melting of Fate [Sequel to The Misfit Herd]Where stories live. Discover now