Chapter 2: A Crazy Day, Sid's Greatest Fear Comes to Life

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A/N: I really do apologize everyone for taking so long with the update. The chapter was half-way done when I lost my writing motivation and then life got busy and stressful which only made my mood worse to where I didn't feel like doing anything and the days escaped me. Today, I finally pushed myself to finish the chapter no matter how difficult it got. Again I am really sorry for taking forever to update this story. It honestly hurt me to not be able to write for characters and a story I've grown to love sooo much for so long. I'm going to do my best to not let myself get to that point again and to not let my motivation for this story die. Still, thank you guys for being so patient and waiting for so long. Here you guys go, I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry parts of it seems rushed or underdeveloped than my usual style of writing. Hope y'all are staying safe and healthy, love you guys! <3


"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Sid profusely thanked Ellie as we rushed down to meet the pair of mammoths as Ellie gave the sloth his last kid, "Bad egg. Rotten egg" He scolded it, as he turned it around in his claws so they were face to face, "A heart attack you almost gave me!" The stern look fell into regret as he then hugged it tightly, "I'm sorry, darling. It's just that I love you so much." He then glanced at the pair behind us and held the egg up so they could see him at eye-level, "Now, I want you to meet your Uncle Manny and your Aunt Ellie."

"Hi!~" Ellie greeted them happily and enthusiastically while Manny meanwhile gave a side-ways glance of concern and confusion, though whether to his wife or the children was another story. Sid made the egg say hello back before joining the trio together,

"I'd like to present Eggbert, Shelly, and Yoko." Wow... just wow... The egg puns in those names were unbelievable and even I wanted to face-palm.

"Sid, whatever you're doing is a bad idea," Manny stated the obvious, making me shake my head.

"If that wasn't the understatement of meltdown and the Ice Age..." I murmured, as Sid shushed the mammoth and covered Shelly's ears,

"My kids will hear you!" He scolded, bringing the three eggs close to him,

"They're not your kids, Sid." Manny unintentionally harshly stated, "Take them back." He tossed Yoko into Sid's arms, and the look on Sid's face almost crushed me, only furthering that feeling when Manny spoke the next words, "You're not meant to be a parent."

"Why not?"

"First sign, stealing someone's eggs." As Manny talked, he started to stack the eggs in Sid's arm. "Second, one of them almost become an omelet."

"Sid, someone must be worried sick looking for them." Ellie gently spoke, but Sid was defiant, shaking his head,

"No, they were underground, in ice." He was struggling to keep the three eggs together, making me go under as he nearly dropped the one that balanced his neck to help him out. He gave me a smile of gratitude. "If it wasn't for me, they'd be... egg sickles."

"Sid, I know what you're going through. You're going to have a family too someday." Wow... Manny was actually giving Sid some genuine hope, as even the sloth was smiling hopefully, "You're going to find a girl with... with low standards, no real options, or sense of smell..."

Annnnnd I lost all respect. I shook my head in disapproval as did Sid with a frown upon his face. Ellie was giving the mammoth a dirty look as well for underhandedly insulting the sloth before pushing him aside to try and save the situation but Sid was already getting the message, "No I get it. I'll take them back." With a gesture towards the log, we put the eggs back in a line, "You got your family and I'm better off alone. By myself." As Sid got on, I was the one to start moving, but the sloth wasn't done as he kept on talking, getting even more dramatic with each word he spoke. "A fortress of solitude. In the ice forever!" He made me stop before turning a corner out of their view, "Alone lonely loner-!" 

Ice Age: Unwanted Melting of Fate [Sequel to The Misfit Herd]Where stories live. Discover now