"Kind words Vivianne, loyalty like yours is rare to find on Fennbirn and it makes allies like you precious, you will not regret the faith you have trusted in me," Nalani promises.

"I know," Vivianne replies fondly, "you will be a good queen, one to remember."


The central district of the elemental city is quiet today, it is a cold and windy day, discouraging some of the usual merchants - particularly those from the south - to set up stall. They do not trust the temperamental weather but the locals, the ones who know Rolanth and it's ways know better, they do not let such weather stop or discourage them. Particularly the ones who carry the gift. It is their way to be free in elements such as these. And the cold wouldn't effect them anyway.

Queen Nalani walks among them as she passes through. She barely feels the cold and wind, as her black hair almost floats behind her, some might even think she's manipulating the elements for the effect. But she doesn't need to in these winds. Her hair is loose today, as it usually is, wild on the winds like an elemental queen. It makes her look beautiful, fierce. Like a queen to be reckoned with.

Her companions who walk beside her, Hestia who had the sense to tie her curls back into a bun though a few strands break free, Kali who unfortunately has no gift to keep the cold at bay is shivering in her shawl and finally there is Rowan who barely notices anything as he hangs onto the Fire Queen's every word, weapons strapped at his side out of habit. He may be an elemental but the years in Bastian City have made him a little warlike. Which is good. He is ideal for Nalani's protection because of his training.

"High Priestess Corra was just as much of a bitch as usual, she was more concerned about me burning Mab than that poisoner almost killing me," Nalani snaps, "I truly hate her now, when I'm queen crowned I will turn public opinion against her for this, a coup against the High Priestess," she muses, a wicked yet amused twinkle in her eyes, "that will be a new one, even for the island."

Rowan nods, standing so close to Nalani as they all walk, though he stands nearly a head taller than her and he's as handsome as ever.

"Lani I agree the High Priestess was wrong but she does hold a powerful position and you might lose public opinion yourself if you push against her, some are very pious after all, and losing the temple's support will not serve you well," he advises, keen to protect his queen at every turn. That seems to be the role he is so keen to fill as he easily falls in love with her: The queens protector. But Nalani does not need such protecting.

Nalani turns to him, narrowing her eyes, "what makes you think I even have any temple support now?"

"Lani I agree with Rowan," Hestia pipes up before Rowan can speak, "you're very popular with the people and some of the temple definitely support you, the temple have always liked the elemental gift in recent years and the High Priestess can't publicly dislike you or stand against you, it's not a good precedent to set, after all they believe that you are the Goddess in human form."

Nalani smiles at that, "ah yes the Goddess, the blessing and bane of my existence," she says, sighing as she nods in acknowledgment at some enthusiastic merchants who won't stop staring at her, their mouths gaping.

Her people are in awe of her. Now more than ever. With all the speeches she's been doing recently, even in cities outside of Rolanth - even a little close to Prynn - the people revere her and they put their faith in her. She promises them wondrous things and with her strong gift  she plans on keeping her word and eventually leading her people to greatness, a Fennbirn Golden Age. Some might call her too ambitious but Nalani knows that she can do this, she can prove herself. Since all the triplets are strong this cycle she must be popular, show them that they should support her - both a strong and capable queen.

ONE DARK QUEEN ❖ (A Three Dark Crowns Tale)Where stories live. Discover now