Not Having Fun

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It's been about two months since you left Mystic Falls with your brother and Klaus. The next full moon is coming up tonight and you have no idea what to do, the last time Klaus and Stefan had forgotten and you turned in a hotel room and apparently bit Stefan. Klaus had healed him. Klaus was gathering information on a man named Ray Sutton. You don't know how he knows this guy is a wolf and you probably don't want to know. You are in Florida and Klaus is trying to get information from a guy that used to work with Ray, and by getting information that means using compulsion and feeding him to Stefan when he's gotten his information. You can hear screams, you look out the car window and see Klaus walking back, he gets into the drivers seat next to me. "Where to next?" You ask looking back out the window waiting on Stefan as he's probably putting the body back together. "You sound ready for this trip to be over. You're not having fun?" Klaus responds, "No Klaus I don't think sitting and waiting in a car while you and my brother kill innocent people is fun. Not to mention right now I'm trying to think of what to do tonight because, incase you forgot mr. Original hybrid, it's a full moon!" You snap angrily. Klaus frowns, "I already have that planned after we are done here we will go so you can turn and then be back on the road when you're done." You roll your eyes, thankfully Stefan came back to the car and changed his shirt which grabbed Klaus' attention. "Done already?" Klaus asks. "He didn't put up much of a fight." Stefan said, you felt queasy, you are still getting used to people dying wherever you three show up. Klaus started driving, to pass the time you decided to take a nap.

You were outside play with your brothers and Katherine, you four were running through the garden when your father yelled for you. You walked towards him, "Yes, father?" You ask politely, seeing the angry look on his face he turns around and you follow picking the hem of your dress up. "Would you care to tell me why your mother's locket is missing from her dresser?" He asked, "Missing? Mother's locket is gone?" You asked shocked. "Don't act shocked, you have wanted it since the day she passed! I know you have it you thieving abomination!" He shouted at you, "I only wanted it because she promised it to me for my birthday! I wouldn't steal it father!" You told him desperately knowing what would happen. He grabbed your arm roughly before slapping your face harshly. "STOP LYING!" He screamed, before you could respond he threw you to the wall, knocking the air out of your lungs you fell to the floor trying to regain your breath, your dress making it hard to do so. Your father walked over kicking you in the stomach breaking your bottom left two ribs. "S-s-stop, pl-please." You sputtered spitting out blood as you spoke.

"Y/N, wake up." You heard a voice say softly pulling you out of your dream as they shake you. You gasped awake covered in sweat. You look around and see Klaus was the one waking you and you look out the window to see Stefan checking a wooded area. You look back to see Klaus looking at you eyes wide. "I'm sorry." You say, Klaus looks at you. "Why would your own father do that?" Klaus said softly. "Do what?" You played dumb, "Your dream I didn't mean to pry but when I grabbed your arm it pulled me in." He said, you knew about vampires abilities to get in people's heads. "Well, he wasn't my real father. Elijah said his father wasn't yours. So you can probably understand when you're different and your father isn't your real father, how they get." You said quietly. He nodded, "How did people not help you?" He asked, "Well, Kat did. That was actually the day I found out what she was. She healed me and tried to protect me from that day forward. The others in town pretended they didn't know, because my father was so influential." You explained, he just nodded. Stefan then came back to the car, "Seems safe, this is where we're having you turn." Stefan explained opening your door. You got out and noticed it was getting dark, Stefan handed you a water bottle mixed with herbs. "What's in this?" You asked looking at the swirling bits in it. "It's called wolfsbane, it'll make you weaker and I can defend myself if you find me." Stefan told you. You opened the cap and took a sip. Immediately you began coughing and gagging, your body rejected the fluid as it burned your throat. "Well now I know what vervain does to you." You laughed before drinking more. Stefan chuckled while Klaus was getting out of the car. "Each time you turn will get faster. Just try to accept it while it's happening, it's going to go faster if you do." Klaus explained, as soon as he finished your leg broke out from under you. It was starting, you could feel your spine snap in 3 different ways, you screamed and tried to let your bones reshape. You heard the car drive away. You were alone again while turning. Suddenly Klaus came into your line of sight he was turning too. His seemingly much less painful than yours. Suddenly your jaw snaped and started to change. You finally felt your bones finish changing, you looked around and found that wolf again from your first shift. Klaus. This whole time the other wolf was Klaus, you walked towards him when he suddenly ran off. You started to chase after him. The forest flashing past you as time went by. Suddenly you woke up to the sun rising and feeling your body moving. You realized you were being carried, you looked and saw Klaus again. The rising sun on his skin, you could feel his bare chest against your side. You suddenly became very aware of your own lack of clothes. You screamed and rolled out of his arms and ran behind a tree. You heard him starting to laugh. "Love, I've been carrying you for fifteen minutes already. I was only carrying you back to the car so you could get dressed." He said, you covered your eyes and leaned only far enough around the tree so he could see your face. "Go get dressed and have Stefan bring my clothes. I can't believe you've seen me naked!" You almost screeched in embarrassment. You heard him laugh but kept walking. A few moments later you heard footsteps and opened your eyes to thankfully see Stefan. He handed you a stack of clothes, you grabbed them and thanked him. "So Klaus saw you naked?" He asked as you where putting on your clothes, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks you shouted back "SHUT UP!"

You were finally back in the car on your way to Tennessee. You pull into a street with a farm house with a white picket fence on a small hill. "Stefan you wait by the car until I get inside then you can cover the front door if they run. Y/N, you are going to be my girlfriend and our car ran out of gas." Klaus explained getting out. You felt your cheeks warm up at him making you his girlfriend, however you ignored the feeling. "Wait, why the hell am I involved?" You asked confused, you normally just sat in the car waiting. "You said you weren't having any fun just sitting and waiting. So now you can help." Klaus said, you and Stefan both climbed out of the car. "She doesn't need to be involved Klaus, what if she gets hurt or gets in the way." Stefan said coldly. Ouch, hurtful. "I'll worry about her you just do what you need to. Let's go little Salvatore." Klaus said while walking towards the house. You could hear a woman's voice, "Rudy! Rudy come on!" Klaus suddenly grabbed your hand and vamp sped behind the woman. She turned around and gasped. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Klaus lied in an American accent, it wasn't awful but it was funny and took everything in you to not crack a smile or laugh. "Can I help you?" She asked, "Uh, yeah, me and my girlfriend have been walking for quite a while, see our car ran out of gas a few miles back. And we were wondering if we could use your phone." He smiled feigning innocence. "Don't you two have cell phones." She asked obviously not really believing him. "Well, you see, my boyfriend here decided to start an impromptu road trip around the country with me but didn't pack my phone and forgot his charger. He's a bit forgetful. Anyways, now of course his phone is dead and mine is home. I'm really sorry about the intrusion." You tried to convince her, you heard Klaus lightly growl at you calling him forgetful but held up a dead cell phone anyways. The woman's eyes softened a little, "Ok." She sighed. Klaus stepped forward, "So you'll invite us in?" He asked hopeful. She began to shake her head, "No, I'll get the phone and bring it out here." She said, smart girl, but wrong answer. "Thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting." Klaus said frowning, returning to his normal accent. "I'm from Florida." She said smirking, you rolled your eyes. She just doesn't realize the situation she's in. "Well that explains it." Klaus said, he grabbed her arm and forced it behind her back and got close to her ear and let his fangs drop. Hot. You mentally shook your head at the thought and tried to forget it even happened. "Now if I were you I'd invite me in." He told her threateningly, she started to softly cry but nodded. "You can come in." She whispered, he began walking her to the door. You turned to walk back to the car. "Where are you going love, the fun has just started." Klaus yelled at you. You turned back and walked to the house knowing he wouldn't let you go back and sit. You opened the door for Klaus and the woman, "I bet you a hundred bucks that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning." Another woman from inside joked. This woman turned to see Klaus and her friend. "Please don't be alarmed, I'm told Ray Sutton lives here." Klaus said calmly as if he's not about to kill them both. "He's almost never here." The second woman said starting to tremble. "Ah, but I'm sure he makes it home say about once a month. Where is he now?" Klaus taunted with a smirk. The woman started to run, bad idea. You and Klaus walked after her, she ripped the door open to see Stefan and screamed. "I love it when they run." Klaus said amused. You rolled your eyes and just then the one who ran began to tell the truth, "He's in Tulley, it's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort off highway 41." She pleaded. "Thank you my love." Klaus said and then turned to the woman in his arm, stroking her hair, "Now, may my friend come in?" You rolled your eyes at his theatrics. The woman sobbing nodded her head, "Yes."

Klaus looked at Stefan, "Kill this one quickly," he said shoving the one in his arms towards Stefan, "make the other suffer." Klaus finished and grabbed your arm and pulled you out the door. "Klaus you could've compelled them to forget, he doesn't have to kill them!" You responded upset as you heard the women screaming. One faded fast but the other continued and you could hear thus. "Oh of course I do love. One of them could be on vervain and call Ray up telling him to run." He told you with a smirk. Walking back to the car silently the rest of the way. Stefan soon came back. Blood still on his face you couldn't look at him or Klaus so you looked out the window of the car and tried to sleep again.

~~~~2080 words~~~~

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