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(Author's note- so I totally forgot that in this Y/N is supposed to shift soon, so let's pretend the last shift was a month ago instead of like 2-3 days ago lol)

You opened your eyes just as the car pulled off the interstate to a bar. You look up at the name Southern Comfort we're here. "Finally, Love! Began to think you slipped into a coma." Klaus joked aloud, you rolled your eyes, "I'm not lucky enough for that." You mumbled getting out of the car. Klaus races in front of you, "where do you think you're going love?"

"To get a drink I need one after these two months. Also do you have another plan for tomorrow? You know full moon and all?" You ask putting your hands on your hips as you roll your eyes at him. Stefan hasn't said a word and walks inside the bar. "Love, you have beautiful eyes so I'm only going to ask once; please stop rolling them or I'll have to remove them. Also yes I'm aware of the 'full moon and all' we will be out in a forest in no time I'm sure before you need to shift." Klaus finishes and walks to the trunk to change his shirt, you watch as he grabs the hem of his shirt and brings it over his head. He's in good shape, toned chest, defined abs- "Like what you see love?" Klaus calls to you, suddenly aware you were staring you look away knowing your blushing but ignoring it and walking straight to the bar.

Once inside you notice Stefan compelling the bartender, walking up you realize you've never ordered a drink before and look like you're 17. "What's your poison?" A man walking up to the bar as well asks you, "Oh uh, bourbon. Please." He nods and gets a bourbon neat for you and a beer for himself. "Well I bought you a drink, may I at least have your name?" He asks, "Right, sorry, I'm Y/N. You are?" You ask seeing him looking you up and down pausing at certain points along the way. You can suddenly hear Klaus growling quietly at a table behind you and slowly getting up. "I'm Ray. Nice to meet you!" He says, suddenly Klaus is behind him. "Ray Sutton?" Klaus asks, "Well Ray I've been looking all over for you!" Ray turns to look at Klaus, Klaus now smirking continues, "We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you used to work with before you moved to Memphis, now he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here, to you." Ray suddenly understanding, "I think I'll be going." Klaus stops him from leaving, you take a long sip of your drink knowing you'll need it. "Yeah, I don't think you'll be getting very far now Ray." You say as Stefan comes walking over. "Vampires." Ray says fully understanding now. "Almost Ray! My friend here is. His sister here is one of your kind. I however, I'm something else, a different kind of monster. I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf." Klaus is smiling evilly ready for his punchline. "Y-you what?" Ray stutters. "A hybrid, Ray, I'm both. You see I want to create more of me. Now you being the first werewolf that I've come across in many a moon, pun intended Ray! I need you to direct me to your pack. So, where can I find them Ray?" Klaus asks, Ray looks from you to Klaus. "What about her you said she was one of my kind?" Ray asks, you not wanting to hear anymore walk over to the dart board and finish the rest of your drink. "She's special you see, like me she too is a hybrid but she is part witch. And I quite like her the way she is." Klaus says as Stefan walks over to him. Throwing a few darts at the board Klaus comes up behind you, "let me get you another drink and we can talk. Your brother is going to need these." He says slipping the darts you just collected from your hand.

Trying hard to repress the shiver Klaus sent down your back you follow him. Stefan ties Ray up and starts throwing wolfsbane soaked darts at him. You sit quietly at the bar while Klaus comes back with two bourbons. "Please understand love if he would tell us where his pack is we would stop this torture now." Klaus says trying to reassure you or something. "Tell me about yourself please. I'd like to get to know you. I know more about your brother than he does but I never knew he had a sister." Klaus explains with a plea in his eyes. Still unsure why you ask, "What do you want to know?" Klaus is as surprised as you. "Well start with the things you know about yourself, you know that your father wasn't your true father. So who is?" He asks, now you can tell he just wants to know how powerful you may be. "Honestly I don't know. I didn't know until I walked in on Giuseppe beating my mother. My father must have been like me, a witch and a werewolf. I don't think my mom was a witch or she would've defended herself. Instead I did it for her and that was when I learned I had magic, of course I couldn't practice. Any time I was caught practicing, or he thought I was, he'd beat me." The memory of being caught by your father made your ribs hurt. Who knows how many had been broken. "He's a bastard, if he wasn't dead already I'd kill him." Klaus says sincerely while grabbing your hand. Caught by his gaze you stare back at him feeling the blood rush to your face. He reaches forward and places a hand on the side of your face, thumb tracing your cheek. "Hello Mr. Klaus. I have more information for you." A woman says walking up, Klaus drops his hand and you turn back towards the bar and stare at the grain of the wood on the bar. Looking at each cigarette burn in it. Klaus growls softly next to you. "You told me to tell you if I saw anything. I saw the guy's brother at the farm house." She said, your heart squeezed, Damon, he's been looking for you guys and just won't drop it. Knowing Klaus is at the end with this you're nervous.

"My brother still on our trail?" Stefan asks having eavesdropped. "He's getting closer. I'm going to have to deal with that." Klaus says dangerously. No he can't do that, "No, no, no! Let me handle it." Stefan said, he must have felt the danger too. "Why should I let you leave?" Klaus pressed, "Cause, you'll know I'll come back." Stefan stayed cool. "Do I?" Klaus raised his eyebrows. "You saved my brother's life; I'm at your service. And my sister is still here with you." Stefan said looking Klaus in the eye. "Ah, you sound so tedious and indentured. Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?" Klaus says as he points to Ray smiling. "I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us any more." Stefan says before turning and leaving. Why that sentence left you with a chill you wouldn't know for a few more weeks. Klaus turns to you, "Well, love. I enjoyed our chat but I have to take care of Ray now that your brother has gone to deal with your other brother." Klaus says walking away from you and towards the chained man. You sat down and ordered another drink and another and another.

How many drinks you had at this point you don't know. You stood up to go pee and almost face planted into the floor. Graceful. Right before impact two arms scooped you up carefully. "Where to love?" Klaus asked grinning. "I'm fine I just have to pee thank you." You slurred at him, he set you down and you walked to the restroom. While in there you splashed some water on your face trying to sober up. Eventually you stumbled out of the bathroom right into someone. "Oh, sorry." You said, "Not a problem pretty girl." The guy said, suddenly he had you against the wall. "I do know one way you can make it up to me." He smelled of beer, you tried shoving him away from you but he was a brick wall. "No, get off. Leave me alone." You tried shouting but he covered your mouth with his hand. Panicking you bit down hard. "Argh! You bitch!" He pulled his fist back, you closed your eyes but never felt the blow. You could hear one. Opening your eyes you could see Klaus has the guy pinned to the wall by his throat. "I believe the lady said no!" He growled, suddenly you heard a snap and the guy collapsed to the floor. Klaus turned to you, "Are you ok little Salvatore?" You started to nod as tears started to flow. Klaus grabbed you gently and held you in his arms against his chest. "Thank you." You choked out a sob into his chest. "Always love. I will always protect you." He whispered rubbing your back. Eventually your sobs died down and you both went back to the front of the bar. Ray was now chained to a pool table. Klaus ordered you a water. "Drink this. I'm not asking, I'm telling you." He said and you knew better than to argue. You overhear Klaus and Ray speaking. "Okay, it's a three step process, Ray. This is step one. I want you to drink from my wrist." Klaus says. "I already told you where to find the pack. What more do you want from me?" Ray is desperate to escape, but you know that isn't going to happen. "Have you been listening to a word I've been saying, Ray? I have great plans for you." Klaus says, he suddenly slits his wrist forcing it into Rays mouth. "He'll thank me for it later, huh. There we go, attaboy!" Klaus says obviously proud. Stefan has finally returned. "What are you going to do now?" Ray asks, looking at Klaus. "It's time for step two Ray." Klaus says and then breaks his neck in a flash.

You ignore him and Stefan talking. Finally you hear Stefan, "Ok well you grab my sister and Ray and I'll grab the car." Stefan leave and Klaus comes over to you, "Well, love. Off to the mountains." Klaus says slinging Ray over his shoulder. You gather a few of your things. Slowly you made your way out the doors Klaus holding them open for you as Stefan pulls up with the car Klaus put Ray in the trunk as you climbed into the backseat to sleep.

~~~~~~1,798 words~~~~~~

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