Collecting Dust

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You woke up sweaty and checking your neck for bite marks. Feeling none there you look at your phone and see that it's 4:17 am. You get up and cross your room to the attached bathroom and get a glass of water. Thinking about some of the spells you take some of the water and pour it on the counter. You stare at the puddle for a few moments, imagining it catching fire and nothing happens. You weren't sure you believed that one anyways it's water, it would just put the flame out. Again. Jumping you look around, you don't see anyone but you do try again. You stare for probably another minute when finally you see the puddle catch fire. You quickly stop as to not burn the counter top. You look around again for the source of the voice. It felt familiar, it was a woman's voice but you couldn't place it. Finally you decided it must have been in your head, it was just your own conscience telling you, you could do it. Settling onto your bed you pick up the grimoire and finish going through it. Once you finished it was about 8:00 so you decided to go downstairs and see if there was any food in the kitchen for you. You walked past the living room and hear a groan. You turn and see Damon chained to a chair with an iron poker in his stomach. "Who skewered you?" You asked smirking a little. "Probably Stefan, we tried to take him out last night and I don't think he appreciated it." He responded still moaning as each breath made his stomach move, therefore moving the poker. "I didn't do this." Stefan says behind you, wishing you hadn't you jump slightly and moved away from him. "It's pretty messed up though isn't it?" Stefan asked walking up looking at the chains. "Yep." Damon says before screaming as Stefan pulled the poker out. Stefan also pulled on a few parts of the chain breaking them but not undoing them. "Yeah, don't worry. I'll just untangle myself." Damon shouts as Stefan just walks out. Suddenly the curtains rip open and you can hear your brother's skin sizzling and burning before he screams. You run over and slide the curtains closed before picking up his daylight ring which was about two feet from him. Damon opens his hand waiting for you to put it in his palm but you pull your hand back to you. "You have nothing to say for yourself?" You raised an eyebrow at him. "About what?"

You wanted to scream and rant but it all died in your throat. "Y/N/N?" Damon whispered your nickname seeing tears in your eyes. Once again you can't tell whether they are sad tears or tears from pure rage. "Why didn't you take me home from the hospital? Why did you take Elena? Scratch that, why didn't you come back for me at all?" You wanted to know, you needed to know. "I-I didn't know you were there." Damon looked at you and now you knew, they were tears of rage, burning your cheeks as they rolled down. "Bullshit, Day. Stop lying, Rebekah told me you knew already! I know I didn't go home with you that day in Chicago, but I didn't think you'd hold it against me?! I couldn't very well leave Stefan behind! What did I do where you didn't even want to get your sister out of the hospital? For all you know Klaus could've come back and taken me again and then you wouldn't have a clue where I was or if I was alive!" By the time you finished Damon's face had completely fallen and for the first time since getting out of your coffin he looked deeply ashamed of his actions. "I'm sorry. I didn't- I didn't think about that. In all honesty, all I could think was to make sure Elena was safe. I wanted to protect Elena, but I should've been protecting you." Damon looked as if he hated himself, you walked up and hugged him. "Do you know what it's like to have one brother attack you and the other leave you without even checking on you?" You muttered. "I'm sorry, really sorry and I know that doesn't make up for it but I am sorry." You knew Damon didn't apologize much anymore so you nodded at his apology. "So if our emotionless brother didn't kabob you then who did?" You asked stepping back and looking at the chair. "I'm not sure."

Suddenly you remembered an event your brother told you about. "Wait, didn't you do pretty much the same thing to Mason Lockwood? You know chained to a chair and stabbed with a fire poker? Only thing different is your heart is still in your chest." You looked at Damon as he began to realize you were right. "We need to go ask Bonnie." You said heading to the door with Damon behind you. You slide into the passenger seat and close the door. "I know how you can apologize for leaving me all alone in the hospital." You start and put on a pouting face. "Oh, do you?" Damon is rolling his eyes as he pulls out of the drive onto the road. "Yup! You can teach me how to drive!" You say excited, "Yeah? In who's car? Because it definitely won't be in my baby." He says patting the dashboard. "Then you can get me my own! I think that would cover the emotional and psychological trauma of being left alone in the hospital!" You tease him as he rolls his eyes. "Fine! What car do you want?" He asks, you pause because you don't even know what car you're in. "How about that one?" He asks pointing to a small car that looks like half a bubble. "It's called a Beatle or more commonly know as punch buggie!" Damon says before punching your shoulder, you punch him back. "Hey! That's what people do when they see one you say 'punch buggie, no punch back'!" He says rubbing his arm and faux pouting. "Well you never said no punch back." You laugh at his face.

You roll up on Bonnie and Caroline walking. "Greetings, blondie. Witchy. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan." Damon says looking at Bonnie. "What do you mean, why?" She shakes her head confused. "Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost." He explains as both girls looked shocked. "What?" Bonnie says at the same time Caroline says, "And why would you think that?" Before Damon can say anything you cut in. "He woke up chained in a chair with a fire poker in his chest. Let's just say it was a little bit of déjà vu." Caroline turns to look at Bonnie. "I thought you said that ghosts couldn't physically interact with people." Caroline says obviously freaked out. "They can't." Bonnie says confused. "Maybe that foothold Vicki had is still there and others are using it?" You suggest trying to help. "Yeah, well, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead. Whatever you screwed up, fix it." Damon says before squealing his tires while driving away. He drops you off at the house while he went to do god knows what.

You decided it was a perfect time for you to practice different spells, this time a tracking spell. You decided to track Stefan and after a few drops of your blood dripped onto the map you started to chant and watched as the blood all accumulated to the Mystic Grill. You're proud of how far you've come in such a short period of time with your magic. You decided to look at a grimoire that had information about werewolves and realized you had never seen this one before. Turning it to look at the front you see a sticky note you somehow glanced over in your trance of reading. These were my mother's, I figured it's better than collecting dust on a shelf. - Klaus P.S. Don't let anyone else know about these, love. Somethings are better kept a secret.

You weren't sure why but you figured that would be a smart idea because these are at least over a thousand years old. You look through the books and of course some of it is hard to understand as you noticed a lot of it was in Viking script but it seemed like someone wrote translations in English on the margins. It definitely wasn't Klaus' neat and almost cursive handwriting; it was still neat but definitely was written fast. After an hour or so of reading you found a page that was only partially translated but it started, "To reseal the werewolf curse one must-" and it stopped there.

~~~~~1,495 Words~~~~~

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