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       You are pacing trying to find a loophole to the compulsion there's just over six minutes left on the clock. "Caroline's dad!" Elena shouts excitedly, "Stefan, he was able to resist compulsion. I don't know how, but he did it. Maybe it's possible." Your heart sinks because, although you've never been compelled you're sure it's a bit harder than hoping to resist. "Yeah, yeah. Maybe it's just mind control, right? Maybe it just takes some focus, a couple decades of training. No big deal." Stefan is also pacing and freaking out. "Stefan, you can control this. When that buzzer goes off, just...just drink from me." You wished Elena's optimism was contagious, but she hadn't seen what you had the past few months. "Elena, that's pretty much impossible for him. That's why he was on the bunny diet." You mumble still thinking. You could use your powers, as rusty as you are you could maybe slow him down. "You don't get it. I can't stop, Elena! I'm a ripper! A ripper doesn't stop! I listen to the words that come out of your mouth, and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body. And when that clock ticks down...I'm going to have to feed on you. And you want to know what's worse? I'm not going to be able to stop." Stefan tells her what you had been thinking, she didn't understand. "I don't believe that. You can fight it. You just have to want it bad enough." Elena is still trying to convince Stefan he can do it but you know it's going to be next to impossible. You tune them out still trying to figure something out; you have to save Elena and your brother. Looking at the clock you see there is only sixteen seconds left. "Y/N, Elena, you're going to have run." Stefan was sweating knowing he might kill the girl he loves. "But Klaus said that if we run..." Elena starts but you cut her off. "If we stay, it won't matter. Elena, if I run with you he'll have to fight whether to call Klaus or break your spine. Plus I can try to slow him down with my magic. Elena, there's no other way." You explain your plan to her, hoping she'll finally get it. "There is another way! Stefan, you to fight."

       You nearly groan from frustration as you need her to understand, just before you make a sound though the buzzer goes off. Stefan starts to struggle. "Stefan...I love you. Fight, Stefan. Don't give up." Elena is trying to look into his eyes, you start pulling her hand. "I can't hold it." He says just before rushing at the both of you, you use your powers to veer him off course just a little and he slams into the opposite wall. You and Stefan both yell at her to run; finally she listens as you both hold hands busting out of the gym and running through the halls. Every time Stefan starts to near you he either runs himself into a wall or you use your magic just enough to run him into a wall yourself. Running through a door you both run into something soft but solid. "We've got to stop meeting like this." You can't tell if Klaus was directing that to you or Elena but that didn't matter. The three of you walk to where Stefan is right as he breaks a broom to stake himself in the stomach. "Now this is fascinating. I've never seen this before. The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl. Why don't you turn it off?" Klaus says letting go of you and Elena. "No!" Stefan is fighting not only Klaus but his compulsion. "Come on. Your humanity is killing you. All the guilt must be exhausting. Turn it off." Klaus is making his demands clearer for the compulsion. "No!" You're shocked Stefan can fight it this well. "You're strong." Klaus says pulling the makeshift stake from Stefan's stomach. "But you're not that strong. Turn. It. Off." But even with the distraction of the stake gone Stefan still screams, "No!"

       He pushes Klaus away. But Klaus pushes him against the wall. "Turn it off!" He has to actually use compulsion again. This time though, Stefan closes his eyes and when he opens them, they are empty and terrifying. "Klaus, what did you do?" You asked horrified, you've never seen your brother this way before. "I fixed him. But I think a test is in order, don't you?" He says walking behind Elena. "Ripper...Perhaps you'd like a drink.. from the doppelgänger's neck?" Without a second thought Stefan's face changes and he rushes over to Elena, you jump in the way and push Elena. You can feel your brother's teeth tear through your neck. You hear a scream and soon realize it's yours. Your brother still under Klaus' compulsion realizes he got the wrong person pushes you away and your head slams into the ground as you fall. Your vision goes blurry for a few seconds and you see stars. Klaus helps you up but you push him away as you hear Elena scream. Klaus finally makes Stefan stop after Elena passes out, he takes a vial of her blood and tells him to take her to the hospital. Klaus pulls you to a classroom where Rebekah, Tyler and Caroline are. Tyler is sweating and shaking, he doesn't look good. "Well, the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead." Klaus announces, your head throbs with each word. "Does that mean we can kill her?" Rebekah asks excitedly. "No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite." He tells her, her mouth drops open, "What?!" You grip the edge of the table as your legs grow tired. Rebekah grabs Caroline and you try to magically push Rebekah away but the rooms starts to spin as you try so you stop. "I think Y/N was right. Elena was dead so why would that matter. Call it a hunch..." He explains lifting the vial of Elena's blood. "Elena's blood. Drink it." He says handing it to Tyler. "No! No, no, no, Tyler, don't!" Caroline is trying to get free. "If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment. It's okay." Klaus says staring at Tyler before he grabs it and downs the whole thing. "There we go. Good boy." Klaus says before Tyler starts coughing the blood out a bit, rolls over the desk, and falls to the floor, screaming and writhing. He holds his head and screams and his face finally changes. His eyes are yellow, he has fangs and veins under his eyes. "Well, that's a good sign." That's the last thing you hear as you throw up and you see Klaus rush to catch you as you pass out.

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