10 Things I Love About You

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"1 I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.

2 I hate the way you drive my car.

3 I hate the way you stare.

4 I hate your big, dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme.

5 I hate the way you're always right.

6 I hate it when you lie.

7 I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse, when you make me cry.

8 I hate it when you're not around,

9 and the fact that you didn't call.

10 But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."


Baz found this note from Simon in his breast pocket this morning when he unfolded the shirt to put it on.

"10 Things I Love About You

1 I love that you give me lessons on the stick-shift, and how when I run into garbage cans, you scrunch your face like you're trying so hard not to laugh.

2 I love how you know my favorite radio stations.

3 I love how you say "crowley" and I say "shite", and how you smirk when Penny hears and says you're more dignified than me.

4 I love how you take care of your sisters, even though sometimes, they can be super annoying.

I love you so much it makes me feel weightless, it makes me want to sing. We're both always off key, but you will dance to anything.

5 I love it when you look at me like a kiss couldn't wait another minute, and how when you're excited, you're always stomping your foot, smacking your forehead, snapping your fingers with energy.

6 I love your sense of justice. Your moral compass is a pleasant surprise, to be honest, for a guy like you. I love how brave you are, and how you protect me.

7 I love how you make me scream, raise my voice, and yell, and even worse, when you make me speechless.

8 I love how serious you are when we're fighting some weird monster, and how calm you are after the battle. At least, how you try to be, and then how vulnerable and coocoo you act when you think my back is turned.

9 I love how you look when I come over at night. You get nightmares, so I oftentimes drop by between nine and ten to say "goodnight". You're freshly showered, you smell like cedar, your hair is brushed, and you put on chapstick and face cream. It looks like you got cleaned up nice just to go to sleep, and it's cute.

10 But mostly I love the way I don't love you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all, because love takes more than it gives, and love breaks parents up, and for most teenagers, love is a four-letter-word. What I feel for you is so much better and so much more than love.

(Love you, Baz.)"

{The End}

Thank you soooo much for reading! If you have any Snowbaz oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Or comment just to say hi! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)

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