You Read My Mind When You Came By

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5 times Baz supports Simon + 1 time Simon supports Baz.

Baz proves himself an unlikely ally a good handful of times throughout Simon's Watford years, and then Simon decides to do the same for him.

Hey all! I hope you like this piece! Writing this kind of stuff is a really feel-good thing for me, and I realized that I'm probably (hopefully?) not the only one who turns to trans snowbaz fics when I need a pick-me-up, so I really hope you all enjoy. :)

Read as you see fit here- warnings for context-typical transphobia (though nothing too intense or violent), mild descriptions of dysphoria and cycles, and canon-typical language.

Title from "Settle Down" by Ricky Montgomery (because I listened to it literally nonstop while writing, lol).



First Year

Everyone knows. I've only been at Watford for a week- only been magic for a week, been the Mage's Heir for a week- and everyone already knows that I'm trans.

My teachers know. My classmates know. My new friend Penelope knows (she's actually the one who taught me the word transgender when I told her that I was a boy, not a girl). My new roommate knows too (he's a bit of a prick, though).

I guess news travels fast when a supernova eleven-year-old from a care home shows up here and tells everyone he wants to go by Simon.

I don't really see why it's such a big deal, though. I mean, it is for me. But for them?

I dunno. I think it's part of their whole destiny thing. All the adults here- and the kids, too, really- love fate and prophecies and telling me that I'm supposed to do this and supposed to do that.

Having a clean-cut purpose isn't something I'd say that I mind, really. But I'd bet that they don't think that me being trans was supposed to happen.

(That makes my skin itch and my magic flare to think about, so I try not to.)

Everyone here knows who I am, but whether or not they go along with it is a different story. The only people who use he and him for me with ease are Penny and (surprisingly) Baz.

Penny attached herself to my hip from the get-go, immediately feeling like a sister to me, but Baz is more restrained about it. He's definitely not like a brother to me, like the Mage said my roommate should be, but he hasn't screwed up my name or called me she once. (Given, he mostly calls me Snow, but whatever.)

I get the feeling, I guess, that Baz isn't one for destiny. He's got a rainbow flag on his corkboard a week in . And he doesn't make a big deal out of things (unless they're our laundry, or schoolwork, or the Mage, or his side of the room... okay, he doesn't make a big deal out of gender things), which is the way I like it.

Everything feels so new right now, but it also feels like I might have one or two people on my side.


Second Year

Just my luck that Baz and I have Magic Words together this year.

It's not just that we're in the same period, either. We sit right next to each other. When our teacher, who's a new hire this year, says turn to your partner and discuss , I have to turn and see Baz's smug expression. (I guess the new hire didn't get the memo that Baz and I hate each other's guts when he made the seating chart.)

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