No Such Thing

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Here we are! So excited to have this Batman and Superman AU completed! :D

Hardcore DC fans... please don't read this lolll I'd be so embarrassed. If you do, please know that I'm totally flying by the seat of my pants here. All good intentions.

This is also kinda a blend of British and American... American setting, British characters? I don't even know fam, please just roll with it, nothing's too confusing haha.

I listened to quite an interesting arrangement of things while writing this-
If you want the brighter side of my playlist:
"Anti-Hero" - Taylor Swift (a given) // "Superman" - Taylor Swift (another given) // "Dangerous" - David Hugo // "2 Be Loved (Am I Ready)" - Lizzo
And the darker side:
"Wasted" - Tomberlin // "Don't Know How" - Ricky Montgomery // "Night Shift" - Lucy Dacus // "In the Dark" - Cathedrals

Read as you see fit here- warnings for non-graphic violence and heavier topics than usual. Everything ends okay :)

Enjoy <3

When Simon sees the robbers broadcasted on the news channel- clear as day, as if they wanted a hero to arrive at the bank and stop them- he immediately makes a beeline for the door.

"Careful, Si," Penelope Bunce calls from her desk, not looking up from her laptop. At this point, she's used to him running off into danger, what with being his best friend and only confidant. Simon nods at her before ducking out of the building.

It only takes him six seconds to hug the side of the building and pull his shirt apart at the buttons. His suit is there underneath, waiting for him as always. It's always there, rain or shine, day or night.

Simon ignores the current gloomy evening skies and sad, cloudy drizzles as he hurries to the bank. It's dark inside of there, too, but he ploughs ahead. The real showdown is in the guts of the building. (They usually are.)

Simon kicks his foot into the lobby's wood panelling, letting it fall through and drop him into the fight. The intruders in the building startle. The first robber that Simon notices stops screwing with the machines long enough to urge a second on, who's holding a crowbar in one hand and a gun in the other.

The criminals aren't what predominantly catch Simon's attention, though. If he peers further into the dark room, he can make out a figure- a man- standing a few metres away from him.

He looks fucking impeccable, as it is. Simon takes in the sight of his black suit, black helmet, and black cape (which tapers off right at the mid-shin- low enough to look cool but high enough to avoid tripping). Everything about this person looks calculated and precise. Perfect. Simon self-consciously brushes the dust off his shoulder from crashing through the ceiling.

It should be noted that this man also looks evil, though, a sinister that no amount of perfect can cover.

So Simon charges.

The stranger hits the ground with a satisfying thunk when Simon tackles him, his knee against the other's chest. Simon wasn't expecting him to pull a long, gleaming knife out of his belt, though. He jumps and crushes the thing in his hand before it reaches his torso, wincing as his palm is scraped. (Simon may not be able to do much, but he can fight, and he's done it a lot before.)

Baz has no fucking clue why he's currently being mauled by the city's newest goody-two-shoes, but he doesn't appreciate it. He uses Simon's shock to launch him off himself and spring to his feet, kicking the downed man before aiming his crossbow in the direction of the group of fleeing robbers.

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