Volume 2, Chapter 15: Demon's Feast, Part 2

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"Oh... is this the end of our game of tag? Or did you already resign yourself to death."

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As we entered the cave, Millaine called out to us in a condescending tone, surrounded with handsome butlers.

Good, it's great that she's so confident. Count Oberu, who stood next to her, is staring curiously at Noa and Nia, whose atmosphere had changed.

I figured that Millaine hadn't ordered her subordinates to attack as a deliberate show of her own confidence, but the Count is not doing so due to caution.

As expected of the wisdom of elders... or is it? Does age even matter to a vampire?

"I got tired of it, and I need to go home soon, so goodbye."

While I got into my [Duke's Daughter] mode and smiled, Millaine's [Noble Mask] cracked a little as her mood worsened immediately. I spoke candidly......

"...Although, there seems to be less of you than when I first arrived earlier? Did some of you become food to someone on their way here?"

"I attacked them. They died."

Nia returned without incident after her slaughter.

Seriously, it's great to be able to relax.

"Well, the other two are keeping the Countess company at her other party outside. She seemed rather bothered, being left alone."

"... So, Yurushia-sama, you still think you'll get home alive...?"

Millaine said, her voice drawing the thousands of runts forward, causing them to show their fangs in an attempt at intimidation.

No need to be impatient. What should we do...?

"Yurushia-sama, may I please have your permission to exterminate the pests?"

As the vampires' thirst for blood swelled, Noa walked forward, asking me for permission in a calm tone.

"Yurushia-sa-ma~, it's fine, right?"

Nia seems motivated... isn't she? She's waving her sword around in a lackadaisical manner looking bored. I guess she's motivated in her own way.

"...Will you be alright?"

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Millaine and the Count seem decently strong, and I'd really hate it if these children were hurt.

"No problem."

"...Okay. Just don't try too hard and get hurt."

Oh well, worst case scenario, I can fly them away... I thought comfortably.

"Nia, [Release]."



All of a sudden, an evil presence surged from Noa and Nia. Dozens of runts were instantly killed and turned to ash..

The atmosphere around the two changed. Their presence changed. The biggest change of the two was that a pair of sinister black horns emerged from the sides of their heads, curling around like a goat's.

Ooooh... how demonic.


At the sudden change, the vampires were stunned, and even I was caught by surprise. Nia holds up her sword in front of her, and cut dozens of the runts in half with a single swing, [Absorbing] their life forces and souls.

The [Power] flowed from Nia to Noa. Noa roared out with a dragon-like breath, reducing hundreds of runts to ash as he [Released] the power.


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