Volume 2, Chapter 10: Heading out For Tea, Part 2

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Since we were late to the tea party, the cute Shelly had a teary face. Apologize, Rick.

"Yurushia-sama, I am the second daughter of Marquis Manchi, Beatrice, um, I hope to get along with you."

Beatrice-chan, age eight. A girl with beautiful black hair and azure eyes. Though her ladylike elements ended there...

"Yeah, good to meet you, Betty-sama."

"Did you shorten my name? I'm older than you, you know... then may I call you Yuru-sama?"

"It's alright with me, Betty."


Yup, as I though, she's a cute if airheaded child. We're becoming fast friends.

"Wow... Yuru has a flower in each hand."

" ... Yup."

Shelly is similar to Betty in that it's also her first tea party here; I'm currently hamstrung between the embraces of the two people. I'm so firmly stuck that I can't even drink my tea, which amused Grandmother and Elea-sama as I tried to bring tea or sweets to my mouth.

What kind of harem is this?

"Hey you three, have you been to any other tea parties?"

Elea-sama asked in a carefree tone. My loose speaking manner is definitely from the influence of the presence of Mother and Elea-sama.

"I've been to Aunt-sama's tea party, yup!"

You're hopelessly lively, Betty.

"I-I've gone with Aunt-sama, to Yuru-sama's mother's tea party."

"Mmm, mm, yeah, I was invited to Shelly's mother's tea party."

Although the first tea party was compulsory, participation in others was a matter of choice.

"After that, Shelly and I had tea together."

"Yeah, together with Yuru-sama."

"!? Yuru, Shelly, how sneaky! Invite me, invite me!"

"Yup, alright."

"Y-yes, I'll be in your care, Betty-sama."

Hopelessly lively indeed... Betty.

"So, anyways... do you know about the [Moonlit Tea Party]?"

While Shelly inclined her neck in confusion, Betty who was a second year at the academy, thought of it.

"That thing, My Elder sister's friend spoke about it, it's a secret tea party that can't be talked about until after it's done."

"Yeah, yeah, that thing. Do you know of anyone who has been to it and come back?"

"A friend of a friend of mine has participated, it seems to have been wonderful, so I heard."

When she mentioned the story from her sister, Betty had a dreamy expression filled with yearning on her face.

Elea-sama knitted her eyebrows ever-so-slightly.

"If you ask me, I'd rather have none of you three participate..."

" ! ? "


I didn't think anything of it since Shelly and I had no longing to go, but Betty, who desired deeply to join in, looked aghast.

"Why is it bad, Eleanor-sama."

"I don't mean that it's necessarily bad or anything... But you can't even tell if the letter of invitation is really from the Oberu household. Has anyone ever actually seen the guests with the invitation? Since the invitations don't remain after you participate, what happens can't be verified at all."

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