Volume 2, Chapter 9: Heading out For Tea, Part 1

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After I lured over those [Beasts] as my stress release toys and finished playing with them, Bree-chan and Noel came running quite fast.

But, since I've approximately figured out that [Beast's] identity, I guess it was good timing.

It also served as a final [Experiment], the Noah seems to have been stimulated by that blessing of [Light], awakening an [Intermediate Spirit of Light] which lent a hand to him.

Although it was a little dangerous, but I was able to gather a little bit of proof for my theory.

The source of spirit magic seems to be little willing [Spirits of Light], in most cases, there are willing [Lesser Spirits of Light], but it seems that [Intermediate Spirits of Light] sleep soundly.

Does that personality fit me? I suppose that it will lend power even to a Demon like me, I wonder if there are any light elemental [Greater Spirits]? First I should confirm that there are [Greater] spirits for the other elements.

Noel-kun was suddenly awakened to strong holy power, will he be alright? There won't be things like side-effects, right...?

After that happened, his face became red like he had a fever.

But, something so strong, will it be alright to not call for help? That final pronunciation of the [Spirit Language], I wonder where it came from?

Oh well, I'll have to be wary of being subjugated by Noah.

Well then, after that visit, six months have passed.

Since there were so many things to do, we only could visit one place every two months or so.

I'm going to enter the magic academy when I become seven, so until then it's all going to be touring around the territories?

Enrollment begins the first month of the year, not even three months into me being seven years old, since I was born under the [Autumn Moon].

I was seriously busy, you know? With [Various Things].

" ... What's this?"

As I turned off my [Fortifications] on the door and entered my room, a sealed letter fell to my feet.

... Mumu, the scent of rose? I may be biased, but a letter like this is never from anyone decent.

But, I opened it anyway. I'm worried about the motives of this desperate pervert who sent the letter, given that my room has many [Greater Defense Magics] cast on it, which can't even be broken by a Lesser Demon.

By the way, my door is [Fortified] to ensure that those four people can't get into my room without permission.

And the contents are... an invitation? To a Tea Party, huh...

I walked out of my room and down the hall, handing the [Invitation] to the child I saw.

"Christina, this, should we send it back to the Oberu house's daughter?"

" ... Eh...?"

When Christina saw the invitation, the mythic [Rumored] invitation, her face solidified, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

Yeah, that's the first time I've seen Christina with that kind of face.

"So anyways, let's make sure to send it back."

During these several months, I haven't talked to these four servant candidates.

I stopped them from coming with me for the tour. I had no problems since Bree-chan and Sarah-chan were with me.

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