Iruka turned to Mitsuki awkwardly, and slid back into his sit. "You see, well Naruto and I had a little agreement..."

No amount of persuasion will make Sakura relive that ordeal again. Not even a treat to a taiyaki, her favorite dessert. Sakura stumbled out of the Academy with a hitai-ate on her head acting as her hairband. She hates this shit, why did she even enroll into the Academy anyways. Oh right. Because Ino-pig was enrolling too. Stupid decisions.

The young Haruno sighed and slumped against a tree, waiting for her guardian to pick her up. She eyed the different students walking out of the school, and jerked out of her slouch, surprised when she saw Naruto walking out. Without a hitai-ate.

Sakura froze when she realised that she naturally assumed that Naruto would have passed the exam. "Right, he didn't even manage a single bunshin during practice. Why did I think that he would pass?"

She shrugged, doesn't matter. At least she won't have to deal with his annoying ass, the possibility of him getting assigned into her team sent chills down her spine.

(Foreshadowingggggg . cue creepy laughter)

Naruto could feel Sakura staring at him from far far away. He didn't even need to try. Whether the girl realised it or not, her stare was intense enough to slowly inch into the glare category. The Uzumake didn't blame her at all, who would have expected that he, a Anbu captain would fail a measly Academy test?

"Utterly disgraceful. Iruka's gonna kick my ass into graduation by hook or by crook, and put me through hell in the process."

Naruto was in no case an idiot, he knew that Iruka wouldn't be happy at him for failing that stupid test, and wasting the amount of effort put into ensuring that his secret identity stays, well, a secret. And he was damn scared of Iruka, anyone smart would and should fear that guy. Do you even know how much destruction he can cause when triggered? He almost destroyed the whole Anbu headquarters once, because someone insulted his sugar daddy.

(I ain't telling no one who that is, after spending a lot more than 10 years with a head sitting on my shoulders I've grown quite fond of it.)

And now that he think about it, he recalled Iruka telling him to wait in his office. But hey, he was just punched in the face by that guy, fainted and tired of dealing with all those bullshit. And he was also dealing with the after effects of passing out. Naruto decided that he will just tell the browned haired teacher that he didn't catch that piece of instruction. What can Iruka do anyways, it was completely his fault for punching Naruto in the face, and it was right in front of Mitsuki.

Naruto sighed tiredly and dragged himself towards the training grounds. He stopped at one right next to a huge lake, to the south of the Hokage tower, tucked neatly away from civilization. A training ground dedicated to the Anbu team, team Scarecrow.

(Too many civilians filed complains against them previously so they were kicked into the most isolated one)

Naruto settled down in the corner and leaned against a tree. He let out yet another sigh. There was too much shit piling up and he didn't even have time for a short breather. And he would have to remember to consult Jiraiya the next time he appears in town about the stupid fox in him. The problematic seal can very much jinx a mission of it goes out of control, and potentially cause harm to his teammates.

Naruto forced his body to relax and closed his eyes. Sleeping was the fastest way to replenish chakra, and being a jinchurikki, Naruto could already feel the comforting thrum of chakra slowly flowing back into his body. It wasn't often that Naruto gets to sit down and rest, in a training grounds no less. It practically never happened ever since Kakashi dumped the captain title on him.

But, it's sort of nice, he guessed. To feel like a normal 12 years old, even if it's only temporary.

Iruka stepped into the pitch black office, without any signs of life with a long-suffering sigh. Right, he shouldn't have expected Naruto to follow instructions. He quickly closed his eyes and spread out his senses, trying to sense Naruto's chakra. It wasn't hard, since the blonde's chakra was as bright as his hair, and sometimes so overbearingly bright that it burns Iruka's eyes. And so pure, it's hard to believe the line of work his captain was in.

Naruto stirred as Iruka landed in the training ground, he opened an eye drowsily, reluctant to wake up from his peaceful nap. Iruka offered a hand to help Naruto up, gesturing that it's time to leave.

Naruto let himself be held up lazily, and he nodded, with yet another sigh.

"Right, it's time the others to hear about this."


Kay. Sorry this took so long, I was dealing with a lot of shit in my life so I couldn't find the time to update. But it's all cleared out now—the shit I mean. And I've been editing my previous chapters as well, I don't plan on stopping this book any time soon, and no. I have yet to delete wattpad lmao. Anyways please vote and leave a comment~~💩

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