Chapter 15

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Hello fellas, I've gotten myself a new keyboard and feelin' in the whole ass mood now so here ya go. Continuing on from where Naruto reunites with who he presumed to be Shisui. We're starting a new arc, which is gonna slowly branch away from the original storyline, until the Chunin exams comes.

Long ago, before Konoha became known as the Hidden Village of the Leaves, there was a saying that went,

"The morning is guarded by the Police Force, the Anbu is dispatched when dusk falls, and the night was infested by performers of The Circus."

It was passed down generations to generations, and so were the stories that accompanied them. About an old grudge, a gruesome end, and a new genesis.


A kunai whisked towards him.

Naruto's battle honed instincts were the only thing preventing him from getting a kunai lodged onto his face, he managed to dodge it with only a scratch on his cheeks. It didn't manage to completely pull Naruto out of his stupor but it at least reminded him of the battle on going.

He stumbled back a little, unbalanced from the sudden attack. Supporting himself with a hand on the ground, Naruto turned back towards Shisui's direction, trying to catch him in his vision almost desperately. Before he had a chance to find that trademark black hair of the Uchiha, he saw a fireball coming towards him in his periphery, and that fireball seemed bigger than the usual one he sees-hold up why is it so big--

Naruto reckon he would have been burnt to crisp if not for captain boar that swooped in with a water jutsu and saved his ass.

"Get your head out of your ass Fox, the fuck are you trying to do spacing out in battle?!"

The blonde gave a half hearted nod, but he threw a discreet glance towards his left. It doesn't seem like Shisui is still there...

The battle was reaching it's peak, if clashes of metal wasn't evident enough, jutsus were starting to be thrown around. Neither side was holding back anymore, they were growing sick of this drawn out battle. The mercenaries grew hasty as the sun begin to rise. Naruto was barely managing to dodge incoming projectiles, much less paying an active part in the fight. He has been struggling to focus since he saw him. His mind wondered off time and time again, how was he doing? Is he healthy? Was he treated well with the mercenaries? Why was he with them? Why didn't he contact konoha at all? Why? Why? Why?

In a moment of distraction, Naruto was kicked harshly into a tree by a mask wearing mercenary. A huge red nose snatched Naruto's attention. The man was about to call out his jutsu, a piercing whistle cut through the clanking of metal against metal and the blood curling yells, and reached everyone's ears.

The mercenery directed a long suffering glare at Naruto before pulling out reluctantly, snatching a wounded buddy on the way.

Naruto looked towards the direction of the whistle.

"He had a red nose... A clown?"

Suddenly, the sky became dark.


Something was blocking the sun.

A sheet of pitch black suddenly engulfed the mercenaries.

"Retreat!" Came an order, Naruto leapt back in response, his eyes not leaving that mercenary with the mask of a clown. He swore that mercenary was smiling at him, but it could have been a figment of his imagination because the next second, black swallowed the mercenary up, and they disappeared together with the return of sunlight.

The sky was clear once again, as if nothing happened.

"What the fuck," Naruto breathed. "That was a whole shit show."

"Get into formation, we're heading back."


Sasuke is fond of cats, that much was common knowledge for any avid fan girl of Sasuke. But who would have throught that cats wasn't fond of Sasuke?

At least Tora wasn't.

The number of scratch marks on Sasuke was twice as many as the ones on Sakura, and Kakashi was laughing hysterically on a tree, that bastard.

Tora wriggled out of Sasuke's hold, and the one in question allowed it, because that stupid thing was trying to scratch his face, and how can he let it? It'll be disrespect to all his predecessors if his face got wounded.

Sasuke and Sakura rounded a corner in close pursuit, and Kakashi on the buildings, doubling over in laughter.

"Are you sure that cat isn't a ninken? Why is it so fast?" Sakura panted.

"Save your breath."

"You were the one who let it go!"

Sasuke huffed, but stayed silent after that.

"Work together kids! Unless you wanna stay up all night to catch Tora." Kakashi called from the buildings.

Sasuke glanced at Sakura. "No way." Before running down another alley.

His words filled with malicious contempt only fueled Sakura's desire to get hold of that stupid cat and shove it in his face. She turned into another alley, determined to get to Tora before Sasuke does.

Kakashi sighed. "When are you coming back Naruto?" He muttered and formed a bunshin to go after Sasuke while he went after Sakura.


Is this what people call a writers block? I don't have ideas for the stuff now, but I have so many ideas if the things that will happen in the future.

Do you guys want

1) the goose to be born out of an egg Naruto picked up from a dustbin somewhere

2) Naruto saves the goose from the enemy camp, the goose was locked in a cage about to be boiled into goose stew

3) Iruka gives Naruto a weird flower pot saying that he should infuse chakra to let the seed in the pot grow, lo and behold, a goose grows out of the flower pot. Imagine a goose with a flower bobbing around on its head whenever it moves.

Or you guys can give me your ideas, if I like it I will use them!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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