Part 6: Seven

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Joe's POV

Listen to seven whilst/before/after reading this

We are married. Taylor Swift and I are married. I know you already know this but I am still in disbelief. How did I ever get so lucky to meet a woman as amazing as her? Some would say I have a guardian angel, but I think it's fate that we met that night. Fate brought us together but love is keeping us there. We are the perfect couple, that's what most people think anyway. Don't get me wrong, we usually are, but nobody's perfect all the time- that's just something you learn in life. As much as I'd love for us to get on all the time, it's unrealistic. I know that now, but we haven't always been as close as we are now...

Continuation of flashback - 2018

Today was a new day. I knew it would be unrealistic for me to hope Taylor had just forgotten all about what they had said so I just prepared myself for the day ahead. It was bound to be a difficult one but we were supposed to be going on a date tonight, for the first time in a long time, in public and we've both so excited about it for ages.

We sat down to have breakfast together and decided today would just be a lazy day. I was supposed to be doing some work today, I think Taylor had forgotten, but I decided I would just cancel it because Taylor was far more important to me. I had all my life to do work but I knew I wouldn't get many days with Taylor like this due to our forever busy lives so I chose not to worry her and just let my team know that something came up and I wasn't going to be able to come in.

She was awfully quiet over breakfast - like worryingly quiet. She hadn't brought up the date and I almost thought she had forgotten until she said, "do you still want to go tonight? You know, on our date?" I looked up at her and smiled, "only if you want to my love. I know yesterday was difficult for you so I just want you to feel safe and loved. Either way, I'll be happy!" She sat pondering for a moment, as if she was making the decision of a lifetime, then all of sudden said, "I want to go. I don't want to let them affect me, it wouldn't be fair on us. I want to show them that I'm strong and that I am not affected by what they say about me because they don't matter to me." I was really happy that she had decided to go because this would be such a nice thing for us to do together. We hadn't been out like this in forever and I hoped that with me she would feel protected and safe.

Throughout the rest of the morning we just relaxed. We watched some movies, ate some popcorn and just enjoyed being in each others company. The afternoon went mostly like that too, to be honest. At 6pm we started getting ready and by 7pm we were ready to leave. I told Taylor that if she changed her mind at any point I'd bring her home but she was adamant that she wouldn't change her mind.

We said almost nothing to each other during the car ride there and at the dinner she was quite quiet too. We made light conversation and further enjoyed being in each other's company but the whole time she just seemed like she was thinking about things and it often seemed like there was something she wanted to tell me but couldn't. Don't get me wrong, we had a lovely date, it will eternally be one of my favourite dates with her because she just looked so so beautiful and we did truly have a great time, but something just seemed a bit off.

Leaving the restaurant was her main worry I think. People would probably notice her in the restaurant and put it on social media and their friends would then share it and so on and at some point it would reach the paparazzi. It was almost inevitable, due to her status, that this would happen but I think that night, more than any other night, we hoped it wouldn't. Of course, it did.

They shouted horrible things to us.

"Do you still love Taylor even with all the weight she's put on", "Are you just together for the clout" , "Why do you like even Taylor, she is so difficult."

Some of the things are too horrible to even repeat. But if they broke her with what they said last night, by God what would it be like tonight. It makes me so angry that they would even think its ok to say things like that to her, but what makes me angrier is that they only attack her, it's mostly never me. She's a woman so they think she is an easier target but they don't understand the effect of their words, they never do.

The car ride home was even more silent than the one there, if that's even possible. As she got out of the car I could see her tear-stained face in the moonlight. I was walking behind her when she turned around to me and said, "we can't keep doing this Joe. I can't keep doing this to you Joe. I'm dragging you into one unholy mess that I don't want you getting involved in. Please, please leave. I'm doing this to protect you Joe, please." I looked at her in disbelief. Was she really breaking up with me? Never did I think it would happen this way but I wasn't going away without a fight, "I'm not going anywhere Taylor. I love you too much to leave you this way. I'm fighting for us because I believe us. If it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out but you need to give me a chance to show you that I care for you." She then looked at me in disbelief. For a moment I was confused, what didn't she believe? Then she smiled and said, "no one has ever fought for me."

My heart broke for her, it really did. This girl has been through so, so much in her life and no one has ever fought for her. I was in shock. I'd do almost anything for our relationship, I really would.

Flashback over

That night changed us. We both understood how much we cared for each other and from that moment I vowed to protect her. To fight for our relationship even in its darkest moments. Even when it was as if our would was crashing down, I'd fight. I'd fight to the ends of the earth for our love. I love her to the moon and to saturn, I really do.

Hope you enjoyed another one from Joe's POV! Sorry it took me a while to upload,I've just had lots of stuff to recently but I promise I'll try and make it more regular. Don't forget to like, comment and vote! Do you like the chapters from Joe's POV?

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