Part 3: Gorgeous

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Listen to Gorgeous before/whilst/after reading this!
Joe's POV

Today, I think Taylor and I are going to pick our venue, which we are both really excited for. We want somewhere big, with a beautiful dance floor and pretty, little garden area. It's very specific, I know, but I think our wedding planner may have found out the perfect place, after many hours of searching!

Flashback - 2018

I knew Taylor was going to be upset when she got here, it was inevitable. Today, was the first day she had gone out, into the public eye for God knows how long, and so the paparazzi were going to do and say anything just to get a good story out of it, I think we both knew that. I don't read what they write about me, or the movies I'm in, but Taylor, she has got into this habit of doing so, even though it's really not good for her. However, today I read what they'd written about her...

She had gone to the gym, and managed to make it in there with no fuss, however coming out, it was a completely different story. They took pictures of her walking out of the gym and in their reports had gone on and on about her having gained weight, something she was already struggling with.

It was horrible to read. Taylor has struggled with her weight before. I think, though she never said it, that she never felt skinny enough, and that in some weird twisted way she thought being skinny was going to make people like her. She'd be the perfect pop star with the perfect body, accepted by all. I always try to talk to her about these things, but there's just some things, as hard as I can try, that I will never understand.

I knew when she arrived her she was going to be broken. Completely broken. They had no right to say what they said but people who write reports like that don't really care who they effect. They get paid to write something someone will read. Controversy earns them money. But controversy often breaks people too.

The best thing I could do was be there for her. She had just been through, possibly one of the darkest times in her life, and I didn't want her to crawl back into her shell. I don't think either of us could do that again. It wasn't that we were constantly fighting or arguing, it's just that things were complicated. I believe, though she wouldn't care to admit it, she missed the social element of her life. The chatting online to her fans, the lunches with her closest friends and the cute dates we used to go on.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of the door opening. She looked at me in a way no one has ever done before and I hope no one will ever do again. She had mascara running down her face, whilst she was still violently crying. She shut the door and collapsed on the floor with her head in her hands. They hadn't just broken her, they had destroyed her. She had just overcome some big things in her life, and this was going to set her ten steps back.

We talked for hours and as the night went on, somewhat surprisingly to me, she seemed more and more determined not to let this phase her. Reputation, her new album was being released soon and that album was pure genius. It was all about this kind of thing, and I think she secretly hoped that this would show them. Although this was what she was telling me (and she was quite convincing about it too), I could tell she was really quite upset about this. Don't get me wrong, she's a strong woman, but when news reporter after news reporter after news reporter is writing these things about you, you can't help but be hurt by it. What got her the most was not that they'd written it (she understood that they'd been payed to do that), but that people were gonna read it. In her mind, people were going to turn against her in a sort of warped, corrupt way and stop supporting her. As if, she wasn't the sort of singer the people wanted just because of what some news reporter had said about her weight. I tried to convince her that people wouldn't care about what she looked like. Yes, I told her, people like a nice outfit or a cool new hairstyle but she could be the ugliest person in the world (which of course she isn't) and people would never be able to deny her raw talent. I mean those songs she writes, no one else could do that quite like her. Her undeniable beauty doesn't make her a better singer or a better person or liked by more people, it just adds to her whole persona, one I think she could create without it.

I held her all night as we talked for hours and hours, until we got tired. The final thing she asked was, 'what do you think of me Joe? Are you really attracted to me?' I looked at her and said 'I couldn't imagine my life with anyone but you. You are gorgeous and I wouldn't change you or the way look for the world.'

I meant what I said. Her beauty is out of this world. She had only gained healthy weight, and I was the one who convinced her to do that. Weight does not matter to me anyway, it's what's inside that matters and with Taylor there's a whole universe of joy and happiness I have yet to explore.

Flashback over

It was a few hours before we go and I had decided to make Taylor lunch. She had been quite stressed recently so I thought this would be a nice thing to do. Over lunch I reassured her that everything would turn out ok. It always had, wouldn't it now?

At 16:00 we arrived at the venue. It was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. There was nothing we could fault and nothing we would change. We knew as soon as we stepped in that this was the one. It was just big enough to fit everyone in and it had the most stunning dance floor. The garden area was perfect for the kids who were attending and the whole place was secluded enough that we hoped nobody would find us.

Our wedding planner had gone to sort out some formalities and had left us to keep discovering for ourselves. We once again arrived at the dance floor and I said to Taylor, 'sing for me, would you?' She tilted her and with the cutest giggle asked, 'why?'. To which I replied, 'would you like to join me in this dance?'

She laughed but accepted my hand and started singing this song I think I'd only heard once before. It was 'Gorgeous'. She hadn't released it yet but she had played it to me once. The word described her perfectly, even more perfectly in the moment.

Hope you guys liked this one from Joe's POV. If anyone has any suggestions leave them in the comments and I'll definitely consider them for a later chapter!

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