Part 1: Wildest dreams

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Taylor's POV
Listen to wildest dreams whilst/before/after reading this part

I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be standing here. Here where we had had our first date. Here where I had first fallen in love with him. Here where he was now down on one knee proposing to me. August 7th, the Lakes. Right in that moment as I stared into his dreamy ocean blue eyes I knew it was right. I mean how could I say no? He is so happy. I am so happy. We are so happy.

Everything leading up to this moment had been perfect. He had planned it so well. He organised for my whole family to be here, how thoughtful. He knows how much my family means to me. That's real love. He is real love.

We walked back to the beautiful hotel, hand in hand, never happier.

After a few days, we returned to our London apartment. An apartment we had bought together just a few months back. Joe stared at me and I stared at him.
"Forever and Always" he said.
"Forever and Always" I repeated.

We headed off to bed as it was now around 2am and it had been a long and tiring but nevertheless exciting trip. I couldn't believe I was now lying next to the love of my life. Not just my boyfriend anymore, my fiancé, soon to be husband. But to me he was a lot more than that. He was my best friend and I knew he was here for me through everything.

The next week

The next week, as I lay next to him in bed , it still felt so surreal. I still couldn't believe it, but being in the apartment we had bought together made it feel even more real. I was getting married to the one and only Joe Alwyn. The most handsome, loving, supportive and kind man I had ever met. It felt like nothing and no one could stop us. We were unbreakable.
"Hey babe" he said, turning to face me.
"Hello, my love" I replied, running my hands through his hair.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Well I couldn't stop thinking about you my love because I am so excited for our wedding. I can't believe we are finally gonna be getting married."
"I know it's gonna be so fun and magical. I just love you so much."
"I love you more."
"I love you the mostest" he said.

I love you the mostest. This was something we said to each other often. To most people it didn't make sense but to us it was a real declaration of love. You'd think with me being a songwriter it would be something far more lyrical and poetic, but no. This phrase was enough for us to feel safe and loved in our relationship.

For breakfast, we made pancakes with chocolate sauce, of course. The first night he had stayed over, that was what we made for breakfast so now it had kind of become our special breakfast. In our very lovey-doves way, we fed each other breakfast, chatting and giggling. It was in those moments, although to someone watching they might seem simple moments, that I realised how much I really loved this man. Nothing, no article on the news, no press picture, no bizarre fan theory about us, could make me forget how deeply in love I was with this man.

Today we decided would be a 'lazy day', a day where we sat in our pj's and just enjoyed being in each other's company.

First we watched TV. Obviously we watched some Netflix because what else would we do...

Every day I fall for him just a little bit more. Every day I dedicate another small part of myself to him. Every day I remember why I picked him. His longing stares, perfect smile, careful touch and seemingly undying love for me... it sounds cringe but he really was the yin to my yang.

Throughout the rest of the day we just chilled and time passed quite quickly and it seemed that all of a sudden it was evening and we were sat there, me at the piano singing to him, him on the sofa recording me. His smile said it all. I was so happy he loved it because I'd written this song for him. Lover. That was what I was going to call it. He was my lover, my one and only lover, forever and always.

As the night went on, we both became more and more tired and we had busy days ahead of us tomorrow so we decided to retire to our room. We fell asleep in each other's arms, a loveable, tangled mess, now deep into our dreams.

And that's the end of the first chapter!! What do you guys think? It's my first ever time writing on Wattpad so I genuinely hope you all love it! What do you want to see for the next chapter? Joe's POV? I'm somewhat open to ideas (they might not be included in the next chapter but possibly in a future one) 😊

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