Part 2: King Of My Heart

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Listen to King of my Heart whilst/before/after reading this
Taylor's POV
Wedding preparations are fully in swing now! Today, Joe and I are off the the most gorgeous cake shop to sample some different flavours which I am really excited for. We haven't seen much of each other in the past few weeks as he has been off in Hollywood filming and I have been here in London, writing songs, doing interviews and other fun things like that. Being long distance these past few weeks has been difficult because we both hate being away from each other for longer periods of times and although I'd trust Joe with my life though I am always wondering if he has found a woman prettier or more talented than me. I mean he's been in Hollywood for God's sake, there's plenty of stunning women there. However when he gets home I can see from look in his eyes that he has missed me as much as I miss him.

Anyway, as I pull myself out of my thoughts, I realise it's now 14:00 which means it's time for me to start getting ready to go out. I'm wearing a kind of disguise (sunglasses and a hat) and so is Joe. We want this to be a nice experience where we are not constantly being hassled and hounded by the paparazzi. Don't get me wrong, I knew what I was signing up for when I started my life in the spotlight. But this should be a personal experience. One for just us.

We arrive there a few minutes early and the coast seems to be clear. We run inside, Joe covering me with his coat and we manage to luckily get in unnoticed. When we get in the place is empty. I booked the whole place out, just for Joe and I. I realise this seems a bit over the top considering I want this experience to be as normal as possible and the fact that it's empty, I know, is not very normal. But the real fact is, I'm not a normal person. Everywhere I go, there is the possibility I will get noticed. That isn't me showing off, that's just the way my life is and I have come to accept that more recently.

After we get all settled in, we start trying the cakes and they are delicious. We are going to have such a hard time choosing. However, there is this one, that is a cake but tastes like cheesecake, my absolute favourite thing. As we're tasting it Joe looks at me and I can just tell he is thinking what I am thinking. This is the one. We tell the lady, Sophie, who is helping us that this is the one and I think she is very happy we have made a decision... finally!!

We arrive home at 6pm so, I start preparing dinner whilst Joe is watching something on the TV. He is chatting to me the whole time, he's so casual about it but that's what I love about him. He doesn't make a big deal about my fame or money or anything like that. As he always tells me, 'I would love you with out all that, you know that, right? I don't want to marry you because I want fame or money or popularity. I want to marry you because I love you, the real you, the Taylor Alison Swift I've gotten to know. I love your smile, I love your laugh and most of all, I love your personality. I couldn't imagine life you. I really couldn't.' Whenever he tells me that, my heart melts. I mean, whose wouldn't?

After dinner, I sit down and lie in his arms and we cuddle up and watch the TV. This is a moment I will treasure. It's just me and Joe. There's no complications. No arguing. No hate. Just love

When we get married, I fear it might get all complicated. People figure, after marriage comes children and, don't get me wrong, of course I want children (more than anything in fact) but then what happens to my music career. I'm not ready for it to end, but I don't want it getting in the way of Joe and I starting our family. I've talked to Joe about my worries and he told me, 'we'll work it, Taylor. We always do, don't we?' and I know he's right. Fate often points us in the right direction. At the beginning of the relationship I was worried about, what the media would think and say and how we would deal with it. The media has often been the breaking down of my past relationships and I didn't want that to happen with Joe. I loved him too much for that. But, we worked it out. We have managed, for the most part, to keep our relationship private, out of the eye of the public and our relationship is much healthier because of that, I think. Joe and I made the joint decision to do that, so I've convinced myself that he is right. Fate and love brought us the right way that time, why wouldn't it this time? He is the king of my heart and I don't know what I'd do without him. Worry all the time, that's what. He knows how to calm me down, he knows how to make me laugh, but most importantly, he knows how to love me and I know how to love him, like there is no one else in the world.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!! Don't forget to vote and don't forget to comment chapter ideas if you have any... I'll be updating soon hopefully :)

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