Suman closed her eyes as Shravan's breath fanned her shoulders. She moved her thighs tight together as she felt a wetness between them while Shravan's fingers touched her naked shoulders. She trembled a little as small beads of sweat gathered on her temple. When she opened her eyes, Shravan had moved away from her leaving her bereft of the warmth. He said in a shaky voice "I am making some adrak wali chai , please freshen up and have a little tea before heading back to work". Suman sat there without turning back lest it gave away her emotions. It took a while and some urgent splashes of cold water to calm her heated nerves before she headed to the kitchen. She found Shravan whistling away to glory as he pounded the ginger with the milk for tea boiling away. The sun rays beamed brightly from the kitchen windows falling directly on Shravan's form highlighting his sharp features and his low hanging top gave an ample view of his taut body highlighted beautifully making Suman weak in her knees. As she secretly admired Shravan her eyes now fell on the wounds against the tan skin with now dried blood on them and Suman felt her eyes sting. Shravan felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and he looked at the small glass panel to see Suman watching him intently and he said "Done checking me out". On not hearing any response he turned around to notice Suman's face now darkened and pale as tears threatened to spill and he followed her eyes to see them stuck on his wounds. He started walking towards Suman when she raised her hand stopping him "What were you thinking when you did all this? You say you love me, you don't Shravan, you don't. Did you ever think about me when you were hurting yourself? Did you ever think I will be hurt?" She was furious as she stepped towards Shravan pointing a finger to his chest and pushing him till he hit the wall. Shravan kept saying sorry but Suman would not listen to him and finally he quickly turned her around and held both her hands over her head and holding her against the wall said " I was sure you would leave me because I am that man's son and who is your brother's murderer and thinking of you leaving me left me pained so much , I was unable to handle so I started hurting myself so I could drown in this pain but alas I was unable to". A look at Shravan's face and Suman knew he was disgusted, sorry and hurt at what had happened. Shravan left Suman's hands as he started walking away when he felt a jolt as Suman yanked him towards herself and as Shravan tried to hold her to prevent them from falling Suman sealed her lips with him in a passionate kiss. Shravan let her take the lead as she sucked his lower lips gradually delving into his mouth as both of their tongues battled for dominance making Suman moan into Shravan's mouth and that was it. Shravan could no more control himself as he lifted her making her sit on the counter top as he continued kissing along her jaw, the column of her throat till he reached the crevices of her breast. To his surprise she opened all the buttons of the shirt impatiently giving Shravan a view of her full breasts encased in a cream colored bra. Shravan looked at it open mouthed before he dipped down to run his tongue over her now pert nipple over the flimsy piece of cloth. Suman held his face between her palms and said " I am all yours Shravan, from body , from soul and you are mine. Just remember you are mine and I am yours not just our bodies, but we are connected in our soul". Saying this she kissed him again this time a slow sensuous kiss as she held his hands and let them fondle her breasts. As Shravan's fingers puckered her nipple Suman threw her head back moaning at the sensations they were creating. She was literally on fire when Shravan stopped. Shocked she looked at him questioningly when Shravan said "Love, don't think otherwise. I want this as much as you want but I do not want to do this with so much going on in our lives. When we come together, I don't want anything but love to overwhelm us. It's going to be very special for both of us and I want nothing but we and our love to be testimony when we become one". Suman was in awe at his sensibility and control and she smiled thinking "This man thinks I will leave him, never not in this life". She smiled and said "One day I will show how you make me feel and you show me how I make you go crazy". Little did she know how hard Shravan was trying to hide the dent in his trousers.

Suman had called Shravan every hour from work worrying that he might again do something stupid if left alone. She had come back early to watch out for Shravan but she was happy to see him managing himself well. She had gone to his quarters to check up on him but one look at the kitchen counter top brought back memories of their passionate morning and Shravan noticed her going all red and laughed at how one moment she was all bold trying to bring him out of his misery and how the next moment she was all shy and going red. He handed her a plate of biscuits and pulled her cheeks saying "You are so cute, nobody would believe right now that you are the super cop". Suman was about to punch him when Shravan's phone rang and Suman figured out that he was talking to his mother. Seconds later Shravan signaled to her that his mother wanted to speak to Suman surprising her. Suman was a little apprehensive what she wants to tell her now as their last encounter was not so pleasant but once the conversation started, she was pleasantly surprised. Kavita Malhotra admitted that she did not like Suman in the beginning owing to his misadventure with Devika but the way she had been with Shravan during trying times had surprised her and completely changed her opinion of Suman. She blessed her saying she would be glad if they both agreed to get married but even if they did not want to do that now she would still be with her always. Suman was smiling ear to ear after the conversation and Shravan was happy that finally his mother had understood their relationship. Suman had informed Shravan about Devraj Malhotra and Maria Varghese being arrested although Emanuel had managed to give the police slip and currently there was a manhunt for him. Shravan had not been interested to learn about his father and turned down Suman's offer to see him if he wants. The only favor he requested from Suman was to allow him to talk and plead to Subbu and Sash to keep him on the case as it was personal and professional responsibility that he brought the offenders to justice. 

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