chapter thirty

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THE WEATHER, news and the people were all stunned to silence. Not murmurs, not rumors not even conspiracy theories were able to form on the lips of those watching. Bloodline, who was expected to advance, didn't hint at any form of celebration as if he hadn't heard the announcement.

   The celebrity, for the first time, got punched in the face. Not only did the MC leave him for last. There was no confirmation whether he lost because of C:map or this foreigner. “What do you mean, Bloodline?” asked Luke, too stunned for the thought of Liquor to cross his mind . . .

   Datin showed him the list of four names. First was Bloodline, Yahshuandi, the Gospel Rapper, Mkay, and then C:map. Young Chaser wasn't even considered as an alternative.

   The winner let out a smile at the realization that he won the entire round. Cheers went around the arena like the Mexican wave as if this was the evidence they needed to silence the critics. C. H. H. Ain't Dead: The Hidden Genre was not a competition that would be rigged. The winner would be chosen fairly.

   Luke Chase stood on the spot as if he was waiting for someone to tell him that it was all a prank. He was actually the one through to the semi-final, in fact, he won the entire round. But no one confirmed it.

   Had he really lost in the first round? Had he lost in the beginning of the competition he hosted himself? How was this possible? It had to be a dream, nah, it was a nightmare. Luke closed his eyes to suppress it.

   “If you not part of the top four, could you please head back stage,” he heard Datin say.

   The celebrity opened his eyes and everything was still the same. He was still the person everyone waited for, but they weren’t waiting for a performance of any sorts. It was humiliation in its truest form.

   Luke finally walked off the stage with his lip hanging on the floor. He had to accept the result, but the competition wasn't over yet. Isaac gave him a pat on the shoulder, but it was as if he became oblivious to everything around him.

   Isaac's dream was shattered when he lost three years ago. He remembered all too well how awful it felt. Although the experience was not exactly the same, was Luke going through a similar feeling? Would he distance himself too?

   “Don't let it get to you, fam,” said Claude to Isaac, “it will take time, but he'll get over it.”

   The semi finalists were presented to the world. Tammy continued to broadcast everything to those who had television, and those blessed to get themselves to a radio.

   “Going into the next round will be different,” said Datin, “it will be C:map versus Yahshuandi, the Gospel Rapper and Bloodline versus Mkay. This round will require sixteen bars on the beat that DJ Johnny produces. First, we’ll give our contestants a break and after that, the first match will begin y'all.”

   Antwoine Hill, Bryann Trejo and Nino Salas stepped up to perform their song, On Fire. And if that wasn't enough, 1K P-Son, 1K Phew and 1K Don Tino followed up with their song, Slide. The One-Sixteen Clique also came through with Illuminate to present their own unique sound to those that stayed seated instead of getting refreshments.

   Ruth joined her family in the VIP section to watch the rest of the competition as a spectator.

   “You did well, princess,” said her daddy.

   “I'm proud of you, Ruth,” said her mommy.

   “You always did only have a zero comma one percent chance of winning, but that should have been enough. Strange, isn’t it? Now I have to sit here and support your cute boyfriend instead of you,” said Casey, she ignored the eye roll from her husband. “Don’t tell anyone, but I low-key thought you won the round.”

The Hidden Genre (C. H. H. Ain't Dead 01)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن