chapter twenty-five

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Breaking News:

Luke Chase leaves Decep Records!

NORTH CITY News, Radio & Visuals broke the tragic news to the world. Tammy’s source was none other than the celebrity himself. He sat head in hands. Liquor. Was it the correct decision? He would find out in due time. Right now it seemed to be the right call.

   Luke, the source, asked Tammy if he could be kept anonymous, which he found amusing. He wondered how nervous and upset the officer must have been after Luke spoke of confidential matters with Nick. It didn’t matter though. The cops got a confession and Luke found out that he was a father. With emphasis on, was . . .

   Ruth had fainted earlier. The words, that came from Luke's mouth, surprised her beyond reason. She never thought she would ever hear them. It pleased an old part of her, but the memories flooded her brain. It was too much at once. Thankfully, there was no need to rush her to the hospital for any injuries. The same couldn't be said about the dishes.

   “Why now, Luke?” Mrs. Rennells had asked. “It's nearly been three years since Ruth tried to contact you.”

   “You won't believe me if I told you,” he had replied as he took a seat in the lounge.

   “Try us,” Ryan had said after he laid Ruth down on her bed, “we would love some answers.”

   The celebrity told them what his agent had said about answering the phone, deletion of the number and how Nick never mentioned anything about the conversation he had with Ruth. He knew that Luke would have returned immediately had he found out. Therefore the agent kept the news to himself.

   “And now I've finally come to see my kid,” he concluded.

   Mrs. Rennells' eyes had watered while her husband avoided eye contact, as if it would make the statement go away.

   “Can I see him?” Luke had asked, “or her?”

   There had been no response.

   Did they not want him to see his kid? If so, he wouldn't allow that. Luke would be there for the child. He would not be like his parents. He promised himself that.

   “Luke –” started Chantal.

   “She didn't make it,” Ruth had said to everyone's surprise.


   “She didn't make it, Luke,” she said once again, softer.

   “Princess,” Ryan ran to support her, “you should be resting right now.”

   “I'm fine, daddy, let me be here when you tell him.”

   “Tell me what?” Luke had asked, “What do you mean she didn't make it?”

   Luke was too young for this kind of pain. He wasn’t ready to hear it, never mind what happened to his parents. Ryan would have kept the information from him had the celebrity not insisted on what happened to his one and only child.

   “Stillborn,” Ryan tried to lighten the word, but it was too heavy. And reality hit Luke hard.

   The Rennells' had shed their fair share of tears, but witnessing Luke's come down broke their hearts.

   “We have learned from a trusted source that agent Dobe has been stealing from his clients since the beginning of their contracts,” said Tammy on NCN, “but he profited the most from one client in particular, Luke Chase.”

The Hidden Genre (C. H. H. Ain't Dead 01)Where stories live. Discover now