Jimin gasped at looking the room full of books and later looking at my drawings.
"its so beautiful." He looked at the portrait of my dad and my brother as he pointed at it with the biggest smile. "can you draw me too?"

"ofcourse, sweetie. Now take a paper and any color you want and start drawing."

I cooed at his adorable face lightening up, he picked up few crayons and a paper before sitting on the soft rug but frowned as he couldn't draw. He struggled to draw due to the rug, I chuckled before grabbing a board to keep his paper on.

He was focused on his drawing while I worked on my drawing of the hybrid sitting down on the floor. Just as I was detailing his fluffy ash grey my phone rang off. The caller ID showed 'Gaintgyu'.

«gaint gyu »

-[hey gyu, how are you?]

-[I am fine sis, I really miss you ~ don't you miss me?]

-[Nah, not a bit.]

-[aww....... Meanie]

I rolled my eyes hearing him whine like a baby....

-[OK OK now tell me why did you called?]

-[oh do you read the good morning news.....?]

-[nope, you know I don't watch news. What is it ?]

Just as I talked on phone jimin dragged his butt on the floor making his way near to me. He sat in front of my legs his legs spread and his small hands rest in front as he curiously looked at me with his monolid round eyes. He really is a puppy.

-[ugh I am sending you a link. See by yourself. Its a gift from me.]

-[OK then. Bye I am busy.]

-[Aish and I thought you missed me. Well not to worry, if you like my gift just say I love you. Bye.]

-[OK bye I love you]

Before he could say anything I hung up the call, laughing imagining his shocked face now. Jimin placed his head on my lap.

"who was it ryuna?"

"hahaha, it was my brother he wanted to check up on me."

He made a 'o' face as he crawled back on his initial place. I opened the chat and saw his message.

I laughed imagining him desperately clicking on the keypad screen

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I laughed imagining him desperately clicking on the keypad screen. I clicked on the the link and it opened on a news website. The news made my whole day. It was saying ' Lee******* was arrested for fraud donations, harming hybrids, selling them in the black market and threatening the shelter. Who knew such modest man would turn to be a monster. '
I snickered modest my ass, if I wouldn't have gave the evidence of his doings they would still have been praising him. There was a video attached to the news I played it, Lee was dragged out of his house. The whole family of his was shedding crocodile tears and him........ He didn't even looked guilty for his deeds.
"fucking bastard. You got what you deserved." I mumbled but jimin's ears caught on the harsh words.

"no bad words, ryuna." I just smiled apologetically as his his eyes turned from a glare to curious one. "what does fucking means?"

That made me choke on my saliva. 'He is too innocent for this world' I thought as I dramatically sniffed a fake sob at his cuteness.
"Its a really bad word, don't say it to anyone OK?"

"Then why did you said it ?" he innocently tilted his head.

"I was angry."

"Then can I say it when I am angry?"

"No! Never. I don't want those harsh word come out of your cute mouth." I embraced his face on my shoulder whining like a mother as he also wrapped his arms around me sniffing my scent. While continued on about not say harsh words like a worried mother.

Me and jihoon walked inside the building. The building was like a welcoming house, its walls colored in warm colors, there were sitting area near the corridor, the sheets of the couches were of soft leather and plants planted in row. Well I am happy with the designer did.

Yup, I am actually the trustee of the center. Not only this there are many others but this one is the nicest due to its nice environment and employees. Thats why I put the effort to design it. At the receptionist desk was waiting with his sly smile, my fox like friend Joshua. He looked at jimin and then at me, while I only rolled my eyes at him. This sly human is too sly for gods sake.
"Nice to see you guys after so long." as he bowed like a gentleman.

I just rolled my eyes smiling at his gentleman gesture. "ok, cut that cr-" I looked jimin. "crakers.... Yeah crackers and let's look at the hybrids. After Jimin chooses his new brother, I would fill in their papers together."

"look at you, already acting like a hybrid owner." he smirked as I narrowed my eyes scrunching my nose in the process making me look like a angry cat.

"wait..... You are gonna adopt another?" josh looked at he confusingly. I nodded at him as he sigh and nodded understanding me.

"well you are rich unlike a middle class person like me and you usually stay in house unlike jihoon and jeonghan who work and stay out of home. "

"Now shall we look at the hybrids?"

"sure, hansol please take them around." hansol nodded as he took the two hybrids hand on his each one. While we three friend walked behind them.

"it was a good idea to let him work with me." Joshua spoke.

"Yeah, I guess he is enjoying it." jihoon's words were replied by a happy nod from Josh.

"It better then leaving him alone right. Since you sometime work overnight if a new hybrid comes or do night sift."

"Thanks to the law which allowed the hybrids under ownership to work." he replied to my words.

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