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Knowing he would have answers once his uncle got back didn't stop Zuko from overthinking things, particularly when his friend headed back leaving him to continue learning from Piandao. His muscles still felt sore as his lessons in the use of the sword continued and the routine still brought some relief to his mind overthinking things, along with missing everyone – he found himself surprised he missed Akira and Hideki after they left.

"Well, of course. They are your friends, young prince, but you also realize they are important friends to you."

Of course, there were a few changes to day to day routine after his friends left, one of the first and foremost being learning to make tea, or at least the basics with the promise that Iroh would likely teach him more once he returned from whatever he was doing; the thought of such lessons made Zuko more and more excited for his uncle's return each day, yet there also remained the worry the man might not return, much like Lu Ten did.

There also came a change to his Firebending routine. While the young Firebender still ran through the basics in the morning, Piandao encouraged him to see if he might repeat the fisted blades he came up with while sparring with Akira. The attempts felt flimsy, much like the Firebending he showcased to his grandfather the night Ozai attempted usurping Iroh's birthright, lacking the strength when he sparred with Akira, frustrating Zuko.

He also worried his uncle might be upset with him given the fact he was given the order of practicing the basics, yet disobeying one of his teachers felt wrong, particularly when Piandao said Iroh would have said the same; he trusted his sword teacher, not to mention the man was definitely impressed with how he was progressing – there was so much to think about, and so many conflicting trains of thoughts to go through in his young mind.


The young prince startled, his head turning towards the familiar voice, his breath sucking in upon seeing the man dressed in neither armor nor royal trappings, but clothing more in line with what Zuko wore the night they went the play. His eyes widened and his mouth broke into a smile while he set the blades he practiced with onto the ground, placing his hand into his palm forming the flame. "Uncle!"

He then broke from the bow and hurried over, eagerly jumping into the man's arms, taking in the smell of sweat and dirt from Iroh's travels; he buried his small face into the crook of Iroh's neck, breaking in deeply while closing his eyes. Iroh hugged him back, his arms strong, but leaving a definite feeling of safety rushing through Zuko's small body. "My Zuko! My dear, dear Zuko! I am so glad to see you again!"

"Where did you go?" Zuko asked as the man set him down.

Iroh grinned ear to ear, pulling a toy from within his robes and shoving it into Zuko's hands. "Here and there." Zuko looked down at the toy, noting the object was of Earth Nation origin, yet said nothing. "I brought you back a souvenir, but that business – it's finished. I found the answers I need, I think."

"Did you?" Zuko took a deep breath, his eyes drifting over towards the man who traveled with Iroh; he didn't recognize him, but Iroh noticed the look of curiosity.

"Oh. I forgot. You haven't met Akira's father."

"Akira and Hideki paid me a visit."

"That's good. What happened while I was away?"

"That..." Zuko's mouth twisted into a frown, unsure of what he should say as he'd definitely not stuck to his uncle's instructions of only running through the basics of Firebending, not to mention the fact there was an incident while he was outside the grounds, down in the town.

"I hope you don't mind, but I made the decision to alter Zuko's routine slightly," Piandao stated.

"Oh?" Iroh seemed curious, yet a little worried, making Zuko's heart sink.

"Zuko, why don't you help Fat make some tea while I speak to your uncle?"

"Ah – sure." Zuko obeyed, hurrying to the kitchen area. Fat was already there, having gathered the ingredients, letting Zuko take lead in making the tea.

"You seem bothered by something, Prince Zuko."

"I didn't exactly obey my uncle, did I? I mean, he told me to stick to the basics. But, I also didn't want to disobey Sifu Piandao either. He is, after all, my teacher."

"I think you'll be fine, but I'm sure Lord Piandao will also take the blame if Prince Iroh isn't pleased."

"Yeah, but..."

"Well, why don't we take this tea to your uncle and see what he thinks."

"It's rather... basic."

"Yes, but once you know the basics of anything, you continue learning and growing infinitely. There is, after all, a multitude of combinations when it comes to tea."

"Oh." Zuko picked up the trey, looking at the cups of tea. "I don't get it."

"Yes, well – it's one of your uncle's words of wisdom that one tends to learn to understand better with life experience, but the words are none the less quite wise."

"I'll take your word for it." Zuko took a deep breath and headed to the room where Piandao was meeting with his uncle and Akira's father. Taking a deep breath, he saw his uncle look up, but his nervousness fell away upon seeing the man smile at him.

"You've no need to worry Zuko. Piandao explained everything, but it turns out placing you in his care turned out better than I'd have hoped for – for what your grandfather hoped for."

"I see." Zuko took a deep breath. "Did he tell you what happened the night of the play?"

"Yes, yes he did," Akira's father spoke. "Prince Iroh, if you don't mind?"

"Yes. You were Lu Ten's friend after all."

"Come and sit, Prince Zuko."

"Yes. Do. I wish to see what you've learned about tea, although I am a bit saddened by not getting to taste your first attempt."

"It wasn't that great. I mean, it was really bitter. I mean, tea is bitter, but I think everyone was being nice that day."

"Well, it does take practice. I'll have your teachers add learning about herbs and their properties to your lessons, just like I did with Lu Ten."

Zuko set the trey down, and for a few moments then asked, "Why would they say that about Lu Ten?"

"Chances are, like most children they are repeating what they've overheard their parents saying, or the adults around them in the very least."

"Then why would adults say such a thing?"

"Possibly because they're not happy your uncle pulled back rather than continuing to breach the wall. They know we were so close, but Lu Ten's death – they feel that snatched the chance away."

Iroh cleared his throat, "I must add since Lu Ten's good friend is here and he needs to hear this, there is a chance your father has something to do with this."

"I..." Zuko took a deep breath. "I thought..."

"I'm already aware of Prince Ozai's lack of affection towards you, Zuko."

"Then you know he didn't..."

"That him giving you to his older brother as his son wasn't his idea? It isn't that hard to figure, those who know Ozai, but you shouldn't worry your mind about that. Leave that to the adults whose job is to protect you."

"Well said." Iroh smiled at Zuko. "Plus, Piandao says the reason you've not forged a pair of swords upon graduation – well, I should say a material pair of swords, that would be because you forged a pair with fire and are working on perfecting a technique that you've developed on instinct so that you can use it at will, but perfect it. I am looking forward to seeing your progress, but as I was planning, no – expecting, you are to move on from the basics in your Firebending training."

Zuko's eyes blinkedin surprise, the discussion still sinking in.

To Lose or to Gain: Iroh's Child (AtlA Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now