Rice Balls - Fireballs

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"So, none of my business?" In the back of his mind, Zuko found himself wondering if – indeed – Akira's job of protecting him wasn't any of his business; after all, his protection definitely involved him, yet he also found himself bothered that protection was one of Akira's jobs, given the fact the young man wasn't simply a companion, but a friend.

A tug at his sleeve made Zuko's attention turn towards Hideki, whose mouth twisted slightly, but without questioning or waiting for Akira's answer – the older boy paused, as if unsure of how to answer the question – he followed after Hideki and Fat into the kitchen area of Piandao's place. When they arrived, the man set both boys to shaping rice balls with fire flakes embedded in them while Fat prepared the other items.

Zuko set his mind to the task, listening to the instructions Fat gave and attempting to do as said; as such, when Hideki spoke, he'd not expected word one. "You and Akira are amazing."

"Not really. I mean..." Zuko continued forming his third rice ball in his hands, the fire flakes of what he hoped was a decent distance apart from each other in the rice. "Yes, Akira is amazing."

"You are as well," Hideki said, making Zuko want to protest what the other boy said. "I'm not."

"You're..." Zuko paused, unsure of what kind of trait made Hideki stand out. His head tilted, remembering how of his two companions Hideki struggled with calling him simply Zuko.

"See. You can't say anything, can you."

"But I can't say the same thing about myself."

"You just came up with your own Fire Bending move though. How can you say that's nothing?"

"Because..." Zuko took a deep breath. "Did I? I mean, I did it instinctively, so can I say it is definitely a move I've created until I can do that at will? Can I call it a move I created until I've perfected it?"

"That's a good question," Fat piped up. "Can I also trust you to make the tea, Prince Zuko."

Zuko's eyes widened. "The tea?"

"Hasn't Prince Iroh taught you yet?"

"No..." Zuko looked down at his fourth rice ball.

"You've also already made more rice balls than me."

"You shouldn't compare..." Zuko started saying, but then he stopped, thinking back to how many times Akira told him not to compare himself to Azula. He took in a deep breath. "If I'm not supposed to compare myself to Azula, then you can't compare yourself to me."


"Prince Zuko is correct. Each person is their own individual, but just because you've not discovered your purpose yet..."

"But isn't my purpose the same as Akira's?"

Zuko felt himself freeze, remembering his thoughts earlier, even the question. "So, none of my business?" The fact both of the young men who were supposed to be his friends were also meant to be his protectors – it honestly didn't seem right. He took a deep breath, his young mind trying to contemplate an answer to Hideki. Nothing came, at least not right away.

"He's already asking Piandao what he can do to better protect Pr..." Hideki paused, then said, "Zuko. I've not even begun to think of that, but I doubt I'll ever be as physically strong as him, nor do I think I could wield swords like Prince Zuko."

"I just want to be friends." Zuko started into his fifth ball. Hideki stopped speaking and Zuko stopped forming the balls, wondering if it was the right answer. Glancing over at Hideki, for some reason, the look on the other boy's face said it wasn't the answer, but he felt like he needed to clarify. "I've never had a friend before."

"Yes, well..."

"Azula was allowed to have friends, though..." Zuko went back to forming the rice ball. His eyes looking up at Fat. "Do you think you could teach me how to make tea? It might not be like Uncle's, but it might surprise him?"

"Don't change the subject. Please."

"I wasn't. He asked if I could make tea, and we'll be finished making these soon."

"Perhaps you should both learn to make tea?"

"I don't understand." Hideki let out a deep sigh.

"I wouldn't call Mai and Ty-Lee friends. Not when she tortures them as much as she tortures – tortured me. I want to... honestly, I'm not sure what the purpose behind forming friendships is, but I know they're important and I know I want companionship. I don't want it to be like what Azula has with her companions. I want something else."

"That's why the two of you should learn to make tea. Prince Zuko because this is something which would please both the Fire Lord and Prince Iroh, and Hideki – you should learn the making of tea because the person making the tea for the royal family – that is an important position to hold as it means they have great trust in you to not poison them."

Zuko glanced up at Hideki, forming yet another rice ball. The young man seemed quite unsure of himself still. "That still doesn't seem as important of a task as protecting the Esteemed Prince."

"Yes, but the person whose job is to protect one of the royal family needs the help of someone who has ears where needed, but who will go unnoticed by others so that said person can relay that information to them so they can act upon said information. There is nothing wrong with having strengths in a different area than what society normally accepts as being strengths."

"But what..."

"It's something everyone needs to find for themselves. For example, I discovered I excel at cooking, which earned me a place as Piandao's student," Fat explained, smiling at the two boys.

The conversation ended there, with Hideki still looking as if he were still bothered by the question plaguing his own mind. Zuko, on his own, wished there was some way of making him feel better, yet he also remembered how nothing others said helped. Even now, he doubted himself. When they finished the fireballs – Zuko decided to call them, even felt they might already be called – Fat taught the two of them how to make tea.

Not that this made him understand his grandfather and uncle any better, or understand anything his uncle said regarding tea which seemed like hot water with herbs added. The preparations for lunch ended and they headed towards the place everyone usually at their meals, Zuko's mind still running over his thoughts.

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