Laying Plans

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"I'd like to make a request of you."

Azulon looked down at the man who made toys for noble families in the Fire Nation from behind his veil of fire, but the man kept his head low so he didn't look the Fire Lord in the eye despite the veil. "Are you commissioning a toy because Lady Ursa is with child again? If so, I wish to congratulate the royal family and voice my appreciation and being honored yet again by the Fire Lord with such a task. I promise to keep word of this a secret."

The Fire Lord found amusement in the man's enthusiasm. "Actually, this request is a bit different than the previous ones. While I'm aware of the fact your toys are one of a kind, I wish for you to replicate the toy I choose for Prince Zuko."


"I learned recently that his younger sister was a bit overzealous and destroyed the cherished toy, but Prince Zuko is struggling with the death of Prince Lu Ten." Of course, overzealous was an understatement regarding the destruction of the toy, yet saving face was important. The understating of Zuko's personal struggles were in part to save face, yet also because he'd not publicly announced Iroh taking Zuko as his son.

"Is the Fire Lord requesting I replicate the toy."

"To the best of your ability. I'm not expecting an exact replication, but something which at least looks similar and feels the same purpose. The sooner you can finish, the better."

"Understood. I'll also use the same discretion as I normally would, Fire Lord Azulon. May I be dismissed so I may start my work."

"Go." Azulon found himself pleased with the man and watched him leave. His eyes narrowed when Ozai entered, yet knew full well he'd summoned his wayward son.

"You wished to speak with me, father."

"I've not yet forgiven you, so I suggest calling me Fire Lord for now." Azulon found amusement in the manner Ozai deflated.

"If you'd not..." Ozai cleared his throat realizing he'd need to speak more carefully. "What reason did you summon me, Fire Lord Azulon?"

"I would like a complete record of what the esteemed Prince Zuko's learned so far from his tutors sent to Crown Prince Iroh, General Iroh by the end of tomorrow so he can assess where to proceed in his son's education from here on out. There is no need to send information regarding his Firebending beyond the list of teachers he's been under as both myself and his father have assessed the direction needed regarding his bending. I'd hate to think you were lax regarding his other studies, but I'd better not see fudged records simply for you to save face."

"Is that all."

"I shall be angry if news of you giving your son up leaks before officially announced, but I'd suggest informing that daughter of hers to keep her mouth shut regarding the matter as I will assume it was either you or her who leaked the information and will find some kind of punishment for you both regardless of whether either of you leaked the information. For now, you are dismissed."

"Yes, Fire Lord Azulon." Ozai bowed before leaving.

Azulon took a deep breath and stood up from the throne. He headed straight for the royal spa knowing Iroh would head there after finishing with Zuko for the day. The hot water of the baths would help relieve the stress brought on by the war, the death of his son and the role of becoming a father again. He didn't expect Iroh there until later in the day. "You aren't eating dinner with Zuko?"

Iroh glanced over at his father. "Zuko's already asleep as he was rather worn out. I gave instruction to leave something he can eat with ease should he wake up. Did you wish to speak with me about something?"

"I made a request for you to be sent Zuko's records regarding his instruction to this point, though I expect similar disappointment regarding his non-bending learning."

"That will come in handy." Iroh let out a sigh. "Even with such information, this is going to be difficult for him."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to arrange an appointment for Zuko to see one of the royal physicians."

His son startled. "Why?"

"Did you not notice how Zuko picked at his food during lunch?"

"Yes, that is worrisome. It might just be he's stressed from everything which has gone on."

"I don't wish to take such chances, yet if the physician has an idea of how we can help him progress I wish to utilize this to our advantage."

"On top of this, you don't trust this to be another area that Ozai neglected? I'm sure Princess Ursa saw to this matter." Iroh looked Azulon in the eye.

"I am still trying to think of a way to make it so she's not punished like he is."

"Allow her the freedom to visit Zuko when she chooses, though I imagine you'll give her specific instruction regarding what she can or can't say to Zuko. Actually..." Iroh took a deep breath. "Even though she is not married, let her have the status my wife would have if she were still alive and recognize her importance to Zuko's grown as a person. Would this be out of place given the fact she is the only adult female within the palace grounds?"

"That sounds reasonable. No, that is more than reasonable. There is one more thing."


"Do you know who the friends of Zuko are? I wish that they maintain their friendship."

"I don't recollect, but I wouldn't be surprised if this was another thing Ozai neglected. After all, it is rather odd I am not aware of any of Zuko's companions outside of..." Iroh paused, almost as if contemplating the right words.

"Outside of what?"

"My eldest child. I am not aware of any companions outside of Lu Ten, yet strange enough I have met Azula's. I didn't think much about this given the fact I was far more curious how Azula managed to maintain any friends given her... personality."

Azulon let out a sound of disgust. "He likely played up the fact they would be friends with what he considers a child genius, but also what their families can gain from this. Actually, I'd like to know who these girls are because I wouldn't be surprised if he – despite his obvious neglect – saw fit to arrange a marriage between Zuko and one of those girls for power purposes."

"If there is, what will we do about it?"

"Any agreement he's made regarding Zuko is null and void as he is no longer the boy's father even if Ursa entered into the agreement with him. Actually, I am interested to see what kind of move that family will make once the announcement regarding Zuko is made. It will be important to shelter Zuko from said business, though."

"I'll ask Lady Akane to keep an ear out, but she may have some grandsons around Zuko's age. Her friendship with my wife continued with our sons, but I'd be delighted if said friendship continued onto another generation. She may also know some other young nobles around his age which would make for good companions."

"I trust her as well. It's why I placed Zuko into her care."

To Lose or to Gain: Iroh's Child (AtlA Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now