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He definitely remembered overhearing Lu Ten discuss Prince Zuko with his father.

"He's such a warm-hearted child, but he's what I look forward to coming home to - that smile of his."

Of course, Prince Lu Ten didn't come home, but his father did. The smile Prince Lu Ten admired was missing, yet the manner in which Zuko gripped onto his clothing - Akira couldn't blame Zuko for feeling the way he did. He remembered looking up at the Prince with admiration, yet in the back of his mind warm-hearted also fit Lu Ten.

His father returned home.

His father returned home to black banners instead of the trappings of victory. The grief felt...

Akira almost let slip his suspicions his father blamed himself for Lu Ten not coming home, yet the household seemingly lost some of its vibrancy; in fact, the entire nation felt less vibrant with the loss of what many called the bright light and future. He, himself, didn't feel bright.

Prince Zuko, though, needed something bright and dependable in his life. He couldn't tell the boy he thought his father blamed himself, yet the last thing he needed was the Royal Family blaming his father. Everyone knew the Fire Lord could be quite wrathful.

He arrived home to silence - a silence which seemed normal since the war ended. Except, the war wasn't ended - just a major battle everyone thought would end the war. He wasn't surprised when he found his father sitting at one of the tables looking at some kind of document.

"I met Prince Zuko today."

Akira watched his father look up. "What?"

"I've been selected as a companion for him."

"Aren't you a little old for that?"

"I guess. Grandmother says it makes sense given the fact you and Prince Lu Ten were friends." Akira watched his father sit there in silence. He didn't know how to respond.

"That... interesting." His father looked down at the paper sitting in front of him. "I'm guessing it wasn't Prince Ozai's decision?"

"Prince Ozai?" Akira frowned. "Grandmother didn't say who in the Royal Family made the decision."

"Princess Ursa I guess?" His father let out a sigh. His facial muscles moved as if a thought crossed his mind. "Actually, what I'm going to tell you is to stay between the two of us, but since you're going to be the boy's companion you'll need to be aware of the fact Prince Ozai's never cared for his eldest."

"Why? Why would he have something against his heir? Also, how do you know this?"

"Lu Ten told me. As for why apparently Prince Ozai sees Princess Azula as the child with more skill."

Akira's mouth twisted slightly. "Actually, that might explain something which bothered me. Apparently, Azula's had companions already, but Zuko hasn't."

A silence came over the room, neither willing to speak. Akira stood there, staring at his father, wondering what he should say next. Akira felt things were different between him and his father, nor was he sure how his father felt regarding the request for him to become Prince Zuko's companion.

"So... what did you do?" His father smiled, something Akira hadn't seen in a while. "I mean, what activities did you and Prince Zuko get up to, or are you sworn to secrecy by the royal family?"

Akira's mouth twisted slightly. "That's not funny. Not in the least. We didn't do much really."

He glanced away, not wanting to tell his father he thought the young prince wasn't handling the death of his cousin well. His father though...

"Is something bothering you? I mean other than Princess Azula being favored over the Prince?"

Akira's mouth twisted again. "You blame yourself, don't you? For Prince Lu Ten's death?"

He watched his father's eyes widened slightly, but then saw the man turn his head away, almost as if purposefully avoiding eye contact. Akira watched his hand tighten into a fist slightly. "No."


His father glanced up. "There are things I can't talk to you until you're older. Things that I will tell you eventually as you will need to eventually know them. This truth I can tell you now. I shouldn't have come home."

"Did Prince Lu Ten save you?"

"No, but I definitely wouldn't be alive if it weren't for him. That, or I would be still there revenging his death." His father glanced away again. "Let's just say I made a promise to a good friend that I'd do something for him if he couldn't make it home."

Akira glanced away. "What is this?"

"Well, I was actually wondering how I could keep this promise to Lu Ten, but I think you're the answer."

"Me?" Akira laughed. "I'm not old enough to join the army."

"And you won't."

Akira swallowed. "You aren't going to..." His hands clenched at his sides, but his eyes closed tightly. "You're going to use our noble status to get me out of serving. You know..."

"I know full well you feel a profound duty to your country. That is why you will not serve until Prince Zuko is old enough to join, but I suspect he may have to. Though, to be honest I'd rather the war be over before he comes of age."


"Your duty is to the prince, Akira."

"Yeah, but doesn't that mean training won't start until I'm older and put me behind."

"No. As a companion to the young prince, you have an important role Akira."

Akira felt a great weight on his shoulders, but his eyes drifted towards the ground. He leaned up against the door frame, but his arms crossed his chest. "I think I got it."

"I didn't expect you to sound so displeased."

"Prince Zuko already has plenty of bodyguards. What he actually needs is a friend. That's what was asked of me."

"I see. No, I shouldn't put that on your shoulders. I didn't mean to. It's something we can discuss later on."

"What would you do in my shoes?" Akira looked at his father in the eye. "What you just suggested, right?"

"Akira, we'll talk about this later. Actually, I think I can tell you what I promised Lu Ten once you reach the age for us to actually decide."

Akira's eyes blinked; he wondered what the importance of said promise was.

Note – This chapter was not in the original plans, yet I felt this was important for story progression.

To Lose or to Gain: Iroh's Child (AtlA Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now