|Not A Lunch Date|

Start from the beginning

"Yes, hello, this is Cynthia from Barnes and Noble on 5th Street, we are returning your call on your job applicant.

My face lit up with excitement, "Oh! Yes! Hello! Thank you for returning my call!"

"Yes, no problem. We regret to inform you that the position here on 5th Street has been filled, but there is an opening at our location in Cranberry Square Shopping Center. Would you like me to get you an interview for 9 o'clock tomorrow?"

"Yes. Yes, please! Thank you! Tell them I will be there." I half squeaked. "Alrighty, they will be seeing you at 9 tomorrow."

Nodding my head, "Yes, thank you, bye." Then I ended the call.

"Who was it?" Bri ate the other half of my bacon slice.

I half chuckled, eating more of my breakfast dinner, "Looks like you can predict the future, Brianna."

"You got the job at the Cranberry Barnes and Noble? Didn't ya?" She chuckled while chewing the bacon in her mouth.

Nodding my head, I picked up a hashbrown square, "They are giving me an interview at 9 so I'm gonna be late to work."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll cover for ya. Eat and I'll get the directions for ya." Bri beamed, getting off my bed and walking out of my room to leave me with my food and my thoughts.

Pressing the escape button on my MacBook, the window opened with Sidney's picture displaying on my computer screen.

As I was eating my food, I examined every detail on his face. His plump cherry red lips, the slight stubble on his face, his sideburns, and his eyes. His eyes were so soft just like everything else on his face


"Gah!" I squealed, almost dumping my dinner on the floor.

"You were lying! You were oogling him like something crazy!" Bri pointed from me to my screen.

"Ok, maybe I was oogling, so what!" I laughed and continued to eat my dinner.

"I got the directions," Bri pulled out her phone. "And I am sending them to you now." She paused in between every word while texting on her phone.

My phone dinged, so I picked it up seeing the directions that Bri sent me,

"Thanks." Nodding my head, I reviewed the directions.

The next morning, I got up earlier than Bri so I could get ready for my interview. I took Juno out for a walk in the early morning before coming back to the apartment. I was curling the ends of my hair in the bathroom when Bri woke up.

Poking my head out of the bathroom, "Morning sleepy!" I beamed at Bri who was just rolling out of her bed with her matted messy hair.

"Morning," She yawned while stretching her arms in the air. She then paused at the doorway of the bathroom.

"What?" My eyes went somewhat wide. "Do I look shitty?" Turning off the curling iron, I turned towards Bri. My hands ran down the grey knitted skirt of my dress, pulling it down at the hem and smoothing it on my thighs.

Bri took her time to answer, "You look amazing, Syd. I dunno how you don't have another boyfriend yet."

Laughing, "Well, you know how my last relationship ended!" I pointed at her while still laughing before I turned back to the mirror to fix my silver ball stud earrings. "K, well, I'm off!" I smiled, going from the bathroom, into my bedroom to grab my purse and suitcase.

 "K, well, I'm off!" I smiled, going from the bathroom, into my bedroom to grab my purse and suitcase

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