Proloige II

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A mans voice echos "Wakey Wakey birthday boy! You're 7 today!". Ingis's dad Cretor wakes him for the 7th anniversary of his birth. "Ok ok papa I'm up!" The light skinned man chuckled as his sharp black beard shines in the sun. Ingis walks down stairs and out to the flower garden where his mother resides.

As they are surrounded by red, pink, yellow and blue flowers his mother sits under a large blooming Sakura tree. His mother was a vary skilled gardener. He walked up to her "do you want to say hello to your little sister igni?" His mother politely asks "Of course" he exclaimed. Ingis laid his ear against the large hump on her stomach. Ingis smiles with joy "I think she's saying hello to you!" His mother Cleo said.

The dark skinned woman laid her hand up against his face "~Ooooh you have such pretty red eyes! And such silky black hair! . And I wouldn't have you any other way!~" his mother sang. He blushed immensely "stooop mom you're embarrassing me!" He exclaimed. "Why don't you get ready for when Meteora and Mari come over!" His mother exclaimed. "Oh right!" He said as he ran back into the house. He Mari and Meteora had been a friend trio ever sense preschool. They had each-others backs for years now. Four hours pass and Eclipsa shows up.

Cleo opens the door as a 6 year old Meteora rushes in. "Ooooh shark boy!" the tailed girl yells. Ingis jumps down form the staircase colliding with meteora. She's knocked to the ground "ooow ow ow ow.." meteora grumbles "HA HA! YOU CAN NEVER GET THE DROP ON THE AMAZING SHARK MAN!" the ruby eyed boy exclaimed. Eclipsa wimpers out of happiness "Oh my stars their just so adorable!" Eclipsa exclaimed with immense joy. "Was globgore not able to come?" Cleo curiously asked. "Oh no dear.

Sadly work called him in on short notice." She said with contempt "Hows  the baby doing?" she asked. "I-...I think there's only three weeks until she's due." Cleo answered. A tall tan skinned man enters with a smaller girl "heeey did I hear the birthday boy?" The man asked with excitement. "Oh Marco I'm so glad you could come!" Cleo said with joy. Mari bolts towards Meteora and Ingis "Happy birthday ruby boy! I can't bewive yous 7... you gonna die soon! Yous getting old!" Mari starts to sob. "Oh common don't overreact" Marco says to her. "By the way Marco have you and Star considered having a kid?" Eclipsa asks.

"Eclipsa we've talked about this! While we're amazing together it's a bit early to be talking about kids." Marco rebutted. "Oh dear it's never to early to have kids once you're an adult but it can be to late!" Eclipsa rebutted back. "Alright let's get this super ultra mega birthday party rolling!" Cretor exclaimed. They had presents, cake, water ballon fights, and a sleepover. It was truly a super ultra mega 7th birthday party for ignis.

Ignis vs the powers of corruption Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant