Chapter 20

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( The way I'm writing this story has changed I didn't really like the other way. SO ENJOY🥰)

" Baby..... Baby...... y/n.......Y/N!" I jump. "Damn your a heavy sleeper."
"sorry" I say as I get up. I look at Mattia and my eyes widen. He looks extremely hot and sexy right now. He's wearing a suit and has his hair done up nice. He doesn't have bags under his eyes anymore. He looks way more presentable then he did before. I tell him he looks nice and then I go into the bathroom and do my morning things. I come out and see this beautiful dress out the bed. It has a note
" Wear this. I might not be home when you come out. I'm out. But I'll be back. Don't call or text just get ready. I should be there at 10.
Love, Dino :)"
I start to worrie what if he's out there killing someone or what if he did and he got caught. What if - Y/N SHUT UP AND GET DRESS! My head yells at me. And I do so I forget about Mattia and get dressed up nice. I even did my makeup. I went downstairs and made some eggs and then I heard a knock at the door. I walk up to it and look through the hole. It's Tia he's covered in sweat.
I unlock it and swing it open. He pushes me out the way and storms up stairs. I lock and close the door and go chasing after him.
Y/N: Tia. What's wrong?
Mattia: Let's go start getting the shit in the car.
He completely ignores my questions and hands me bags to take to the car. I notice the front of his pants look weird and big. Not in the packing or hard way. There's a gun in there. Once I notice it I don't ask him any questions I just do as he says. After loading the car asks me to call the owner and tell him we left. Then we drive to the airport. While we're 2 minutes away Tia stops at a dead end and gets out. He goes to the back he pulls out this bag with a million weapons. Maybe not a million but there's a lot of them. He makes the bag really tiny and shoves it in a pocket that you probably can't see when they look through the bags. He gets back in the car and gives me these passports.
Mattia: Here use this and not your real one.
Y/N: Makayla Kingsberry?
Mattia: Yes thats your new name. Mine is Kairi Kingsberry
Y/N: Oh.. ok
We pull up to the airport and everything was easy. They didn't find the weapons. They didn't find our passports sus. We got to our gate 10 minutes early. They were allowing people on board to take there seats. So that's what we did we handed the girl our ticket and we sit in the first class area.
Mattia: I've been really stressed today baby girl.... I want you to help to release it for me.😈
Y/N: Mattia where on a plain what else can I possibly do?
He grabs a blanket out of his backpack and places it over his legs. You can see by his hand movements he toke out his dick.
Mattia: I want you to jerk me off.
I look at him like this 👁👃🏽👁
Y/N: You want me to what?
Mattia: Jerk me off.
I look around and it seems like where the only ones in first class. Mattia did say he asked if they didn't come in contact with us. So I move the mini door to be in front of us and reach under his blanket and begin.

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