Chapter 3

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" So your patience... He has a long background. He's been bullied, been told to kill him self, he's been through some really bad trauma. He got tired of being treated like how he was being treated and started to kill the people who he didn't like or the people who would disrespect him. His anger issues got the best of him and he went... outta his mind. He's been in here for 4 months now. They tried putting him in jail but he was to dangerous. And he doesn't work well with male therapist so that's why we brought you in here." Mr. Jamal explained to me. " So what's his name?" I questioned. His response was "His name is Mattia Polibio."
" Here we are, this is his room everything you will need will be in here." He claimed. I felt weird, I didn't like how Mr. Jamal's tone, emotion, body movement changed the closer we got to Mattia's room. "Well good luck" he whispers and then he runs off. I was surprised at how fast he ran off. The room that Mattia was staying in was numbered 2003. I knock "boom boom boom." "Come in" I hear him yell. I open the door slowly and there he is.....

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