Chapter Twelve- Reliving the Dance Part 1

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Biff drove to the dance, completely unaware of Y/n and Marty hiding in the back seat. As Biff drove out of the driveway Doc showed up to Biff's house on a bike. Doc looked around the now empty garage and left.

Biff was listening to the radio, on his way to the dance. Marty took the walkie-talkie out of his jacket pocket and whispered into it, "Doc. Doc, come in."

"Marty! Y/n! Come in," Doc replied. Then Biff drove into a tunnel. A screeching sound came from the walkie-talkie and Y/n covered her ears. Biff hearing the screeching turned his head and Marty ducked down falling onto Y/n yet again.

"I've got to stop doing that.." Marty trailed off. "Sorry, beautiful," he whispered. Y/n put a figure to her mouth and made a 'shh' noise, she aslo smilied, telling him it was okay. After Biff drove out of the tunnel, Marty tried using the walkie-talkie again.

"Yo, Doc, Doc, come in." Marty said. Quickly Doc responded, "Marty, Y/n, what happened to you guys? I went to Biff's house and you weren't there."

"You must have just missed us, Uncle Doc. We're in the back of Biff's car," Y/n whispered into the walkie-talkie that was between both Y/n and Marty. "He's on his way to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance. " Y/n continued.

"Y/n, listen we may have to abort this entire plan. It's getting much too dangerous." Doc told his neice. Marty and Y/n both rolled their eyes, 'they were too close to give up now' they thought.

"Don't worry. The book is on Biff's dashboard. I'll grab it as soon as we get to the school." Marty said. Y/n nodded convinced of his plan.

"Marty, you and Y/n must be extremely careful not to run into your other self's." Doc warned.

"My other self?" Marty asked, Y/n rolled her eyes and her and Doc said at the same time, "Yes."

"Remember, your mother is at that exact same dance with you. Yeah." Doc said frustrated. "Right. This could get heavy, Doc." Marty said. 'This already is heavy' Y/n thought.

"Y/n whatever happens, don't let Marty run into his other self, understand?" Doc said now talking to his neice. "Don't worry, Uncle Doc," Y/n said smiling. Marty looked at her and smiled back, knowing that Y/n would always keep him out of trouble.

Biff drove up to the school, and closed the door. As he left Marty got off of Y/n and went to grab the almanac off the dashboard. Marty sat back down behind the passagers seat, seeing Biff come back and take the almanac off the dashboard, going into the dance.

Marty got out of the car, pulled Y/n out by the waist and they followed Biff into the dance. Biff got the feeling he was being followed and turned around. Y/n and Marty leaned against the wall hiding from Biff.

Y/n took the walkie-talkie from Marty and pressed it, "Uncle Doc, Uncle Doc! Come in," While Y/n was trying to get Doc to awnser Marty took out the binoclurs and looked around. He saw the other Y/n and George danceing awkardrly, he laughed.

"What? What is it," Y/n said seeing Marty laugh, he said, "At least I know that you and my father aren't a good match," he said jokingly. Y/n cringed, "Yeah, I don't ever want to dance with him again," she said.

Y/n couldn't get through to her Uncle so she handed the walkie-talkie back to Marty, he then put it in his pocket. Marty grabbed Y/n's hand and lead her to the dance floor. He put his hand around her waist and he glided her across the room, trying to blend in with everyone.

When they got to the other side, he let go of Y/n. They watched as Biff spiked the punch, and looked at a '50's porno magazine, called 'Oh la la'. Y/n pointed to Biff's back pocket, "There, the almanc is in his back pocket," she said. Marty nodded seeing it aswell.

Biff and his goons saw Mr. Strickland, and walked out of the ballroom. Marty and Y/n followed close behind. When they got out there they saw Biff talking to his goons, "Where's that punk Calvin Klein, anyway?" Biff asked.

"How am I supposed to know Biff? I ain't seen his secretarty." one of the goons said, laughing. "Well , go find him. He caused $300 bucks damange to my car, and I owe him a knuckle sandwhich. Get going!" Biff orderd.

One of his goons handed him a bottle of liquor and said, "Drink up, Biff." Biff took the bottle and said, "Yeah thanks." Biff finished the bottle and threw it into the parking lot. Y/n and Marty hid on a wall, as Biff's goons walked away.

Marty and Y/n walked up to the railing behind Biff, Y/n saw a car headed into the parking lot and said, "Binoclurs," Marty handed her the binoclurs.

She looked through them and saw the other Marty pulling into the parking lot with Lorraine, "Just as I thought, there you are with Lorraine," she told Marty. "Perfect," Marty said scarastically, he looked around and saw that the alamanc was in Biff's back pocket.

"I'll be right back," Marty said to Y/n. He kissed her on the cheek and jumped over the railing. "Be care, future boy." she whispered. Marty dropped to the ground almost silently, then Biff turned his head.

Y/n dropped to her knees so Biff wouldn't see her. Marty almost grabbed the alamanc from Biff's back pocket, but then Mr. Strickland appeared.

"Well, well, well, Mr. Tannen." Mr. Strickland said. "How nice to see you here." he continued. "Why, Mr. Strickland, it's nice to see you, sir.." Biff trailed off.

"Is that liquor I smell, Tannen?" Mr. Strickland asked Biff. "Uh, I wouldn't know. I don't know what liquor smells like because I'm to young to drink it." Biff said.

Mr. Strickland mentally called bullshit, and started talking again, "I see. And what have we here? Sports statistics, interesting, interesting subject. Homework, Tannen?" Mr. Strickland asked looking through the alamanc.

Marty stood back up slowly, and turned around hearing a noise, it was Y/n jumping over the railing. She managed to do it quietly, but when she landed she tripped and fell over. "Oh!" she almost yelled. Marty caught her and covered her mouth with his other hand. "Are you okay?" Marty whispered, She nodded, and Marty helped her stand up.

"No, it ain't homework, 'cause I ain't home." Biff joked replying to strickland.

Mr. Strickland rolled up the sports almanc and hit Biff with it saying, "You've got a real attitude problem. You know that, Tannen? Just watch it. Because one day, I'll have you right where I want you, in detention. Slacker!" Strickland yelled at Biff.

Mr. Strickland turned around and walked down the stairs, Y/n and Marty, now holding hands, checked to see if Biff was gone, he was. Then they followed Mr. Strickland to his office.

𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐏𝐓.𝐈𝐈Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora