Chapter Ten- Old Biff

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Marty fell on top of Y/n, tripping while putting a blanket over them. "Sorry," Marty whispered, blushing. Y/n replied, "It's okay, don't worry about it,"

As Young Biff walked back to the car, he dropped cans of Valvoline, hitting Marty in the back. Marty made an 'ow' expression, and Y/n moved her hands to Marty's face.

"Are you okay?" she whispered. Marty nodded, and then kissed her forehead, she blushed. Then Marty and Y/n heard girls giggled loudly the whole street could hear. "What is that?" They both whispered. They heard Biff walk away from the car, and to the girls.

"Let me see," One of the girls said. It was Lorraine and her friend, Lorriane took her dress out of it's box to examine it. "It's perfect, Lorraine." her friend said. "Oh look at it!" Lorriane said in awe of her dress. "You're going to look so good!" Her friend said.

Hearing this, Biff popped his collar and ran over to Lorraine, Marty poked his head up to watch. Y/n couldn't because Marty was on top of her, so she asked, "What do you see?"

"Biff going to terrorize my mother," Marty said rolling his eyes. Y/n rolled her eyes and replied sarcastically, "Perfect,".

"Well, lookie what we have here, nice dress Lorriane. Although , I think you'd better wearing nothing at all." Biff said. Marty tensed up, and clutched his fist. Y/n noticed how angery he was getting and whispered, "Hey, you can't interfear, it will ruin the plan," Y/n put her hand on his arm pulling him down a little more so people would noitce them.

"Biff, why don't you take a long walk off a short peir?" Lorriane said. "Hey listen, Lorriane. There's that dance at school tonight, right. Now that my car's all fixed, I figure I'd cut you a break and give you the honor of going with the best-looking guy in school." Biff said, walking with Lorriane.

Y/n heard this and rolled het eyes, she mumbled, "She's already going with the best looking-guy in school, you asshole." Marty turned his head down and gave her a smirk. Y/n blushed not expecting him to hear her.

"Yeah, well I'm busy," Lorraine said. "Yeah, doing what?" Biff scoffed. "Washing my hair," Lorraine joked.

"Ah, that's about as funny as a screen door on a battleship." Biff said. Marty rolled his eyes and said, "Screen door on a submarine, you dork." Y//n giggled, trying to keep quiet.

"Look Biff, someone already asked me to the dance. " Lorraine said. "Who that bug George Mcfly?" Biff said. Lorriane put her face up to Biff's and said, "I'm going with Calvin Klein, okay?"

"No, not okay. You're going with me, understand?" Biff said grabbing Lorraine's shoulders. Marty didn't see this because Y/n pulled him down, by the shirt closer to her, "Someone's coming get down!" She whispered. Marty made a 'ugg' sound and then simle-smirking noticing how close to her, Y/n pulled him. They looked into eachothers eyes, and Marty wanted so despretly to kiss her, but he didn't feel like was the time or place.

"It's meant to be! I'm going to marry you someday, Lorriane! Someday, you'll be my wife!" they heard Biff yell.

"You always did have a way with women," Old Biff said sitting in the front of Young Biff's car. "Get the hell out of my car, old man." Biff said.

"You want to marry that girl, Biff? I can make it happen." Old Biff said. Young Biff scoffed and asked scarcastically, "Oh, yeah? Who are you, Miss Lonely-Hearts?" Old Biff started to get annoyed and said, "Just get in the car, butthead." Old Biff started the car.

"Who you calling butthead, butthead? How do you know how to do that? Nobody can start this car but me." Young Biff said. "Man is he thick," Marty whispered to Y/n smiling at her, she supressed a giggle.

"Just get in the car, Tannen. Today's your lucky day." Old Biff said. Young Biff got in the car.

All throughout the drive Marty had to hold on to either Y/n or the seat, to make himself not fall over.

"Hey! Hey! Hey, watch where you're driving, old man." Young Biff said. Old Biff pulled the car into the drive way and stopped the car. "This cost me $300 bucks!" Young Biff yelled. "Would you shut up about the car?" Old Biff said to Young Biff.

Old Biff told Young Biff that he was his distant relative, he also told him that he had a present for him that could make him rich. As the two Biff were talking Marty perked his head up, Y/n wondered what he was doing, but didn't want to ask in fear of getting caught.

Marty looked at the alamanc and then put his head back down. Old Biff showed Young Biff how to use the alamanc, to prove that it worked. Young Biff, took the alamanc from Old Biff convinced.

"Alright, I'll take a look at it." Biff said throwing it into the back of his car. It landed on the seat next to a crouched down Marty and Y/n. She tried to grab it, but Marty pulled he hand away.

Then Old Biff grabbed the book. Both Biffs got out of the car, and Old Biff started lecuturing his youngerself. "Don't leave this book lying around. Don't you have a safe? No, of course you don't have a safe, get a safe!" Old Biff said.

Old Biff put the alamanc in Young Biff's pocket and Young Biff closed and locked the garage door, Y/n and Marty still inside the '46 ford.

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