Chapter Eight- Something Inconspicuous

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"You betcha Uncle Doc!" Y/n exclaimed. Marty, Y/n, and Doc were all in the Time Machine. Doc was driving the car, Marty sat in the passangers seat next to Doc, and Y/n was of course, on Marty's lap. He had gotten used to wrapping both of his arms around her waist, comfortably under the jean jacket Marty had given her. Y/n's feet hurt like crazy, still in her flats from the dance. 

"That's right Doc. November 12th, 1955," Marty said to Doc. "Unbelieveable that Old Biff could've chosen that particular date. It could mean that, that point in time inherently contains some sort of cosmic signifance, almost as if it were the temporal junction point for the enitire space time-continuum." Doc said. 

Y/n giggled, "Or it could just be an amazing coincidence, Uncle Doc." she said leaning on Marty's shoulder. Then the time curcit board flickred, "Damm! Got to fix that thing. Alright time curcuits on." Doc said. 

Y/n picked up her head from Marty's shoulder and Marty said, "What do you mean time curcuits on! Doc, were not going back now?!" Doc replied, "Yep." 

"What about Einstein?!" Y/n and Marty said at the same time. "We can't just leave him there!" Y/n exclaimed. "Don't worry, Y/n, Marty. Assuming we succeed in our mission, this altnernate 1985 will be changed back into the real 1985." Doc explained. Y/n caught on, "Instantaneosly transforming around Einstein, that makes sense Uncle Doc!" Y/n exclaimed. 

"Doc, what if we don't succeed.." Marty trailed off. Doc reliped, "We must succeed!" Y/n turned to Marty and put both of her hands on his cheeks, "It's going to be okay, future boy." she said as she kissed him on the lips slightly. Marty kissed back. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Watch the PDA," Doc said glancing over at both Y/n and Marty. They both blushed embarssed. Y/n set her head back on Marty's shoulder. 

Then the Delorean sped through the sky, landing behind the Lyon Estates sign. They were back in 1955. They all stepped out of the Delorean. "Oh this is heavy Doc. It's like Y/n and I were just here yesterday." Marty said grabbing Y/n's hand and guiding her out from behind the sign. Before Doc caught up with them he kissed Y/n on the cheek playfully, making her laugh. 

"You were here yesterday!" Doc exclaimed. Y/n replied sarcastically "Amazing isn't it," she said to Marty. He gave her his classic smirk-smile. Doc looked at his weather watch, "Alright, the sunrise should be in about 22 mintues. You go into town. Track down Young Biff and tail him. Sometime today, Old Biff will show up to give Young Biff the Almanac. Above all you must not interfear with that event. We must let old Biff believe he's succeed so that he'll leave 1955 and bring the Delorean back to the future. Once Old Biff is gone, grab the almanc anyway that you can. Remember all of out future's depend on this kids. " Doc said. 

"You don't have to remind us of that, Uncle Doc." Y/n said remembering the newspaper that said her and Uncle Doc were committed. "Here's some binculars and a walkie-talkie so we can all keep in contact. I'll stay here and repair the short in the time curciuts. That way we don't risk anyone else stealing the time machine and I won't risk acciently running into my other self. " Doc continued. 

"Other self," Marty asked. Y/n replied, "Yes, honey there are now two of us here. Remember the event at the clock tower?" Y/n asked Marty. "Yeah," replied. "Well that event doesn't happen until tonight. So we have to be extremely careful that we don't run into our otherselfs." Y/n said, in her smart voice. Doc came up behind them, holding a suit case. "Here let me give you both some money," Doc said opening up the suitcase. "Wow, Uncle Doc.."Y/n trailed off seeing the money in the case. 

"I have to be prepared for all monetary possiblities. Get yourself some fiftes clothes. Y/n your going to have to take off that jacket it's not appropiate for the time period." Y/n siged and took off Marty's jean jacket. "Keep it safe Uncle Doc, it means the world to me." she said. 

Doc took the jacket from his neice, he went to go put it in the Delorean. He stopped and then said, "Something Inconspicuous!" 

Marty grabbed Y/n's hand, as they walked Marty spoke, "My jacket really means the world to you.." he trailed off. Y/n blushed and smiled, she replied, "Of course, future boy. I love you." Marty kissed her on the cheek and said, "I love you too, Y/n." 

As the sun rose they walked into town. Y/n and Marty walked into a clothing store. A sales lady saw Y/n as she walked in and ran up to her. "Oh dear me! What happened to you miss!" The sales lady said. She pulled Y/n away from Marty and Marty tried supressing a laugh. He waved good bye as the sales lady lead Y/n away. 

The sales lady asked if she needed new clothes, since Y/n's looked all sweaty. "Yeah, actually I do. Maybe some new pants and a blouse, oh and new shoes please. A pair I can run in." She said.

 "Why do you need running shoes dear?" The sales lady said picking out a salmon colored blouse. "Uh because I'm running errands for a friend," Y/n said, internally rolling her eyes.

 She hated going shopping because the sales ladies would always critque whatever she picked out, she was ready to go back to the '80's, Marty told her she wouldn't have to deal with sales people. "Please, I'm kinda in a hurry," she told the sales lady, wondering where Marty was. 

Marty picked out a leather jacket and a fadora. He waited outside the store for Y/n to come back. 

Y/n changed into a salmon colored long sleeved blouse, with a white beaded collar. It hugged her chest and waist area.The sales lady also picked out a pair of high waisted baby-blue jean like pants, and a pair of '50's running shoes. Y/n was excited to finally get a comfortable pair of shoes. Y/n asked if she could borrow a hair tye from the sales lady. Y/n put her messed up wavey h/c hair into a ponytail. 'Something Inconspicuous' Y/n thought to herself, looking in the mirror. 'I wonder what Marty's wearing?' she asked herself blushing. 

She walked out of the store and saw Marty wearing a leather jacket and a fadora, she laughed and blushed, 'he looked hot' she thought. "Oh my god, future boy. What are you wearing?"  she said walking towards him. She put her arms around his waist and looked into his blue eyes. 

"What, do you not like it?" he said mischeviously. "I never said that," Y/n said back. Marty leaned down to kiss her. They kissed and pulled away, "You know, Doc said something inconspicuous.." Y/n trailed. Marty smile-smirked still holding Y/n in his arms. "Yeah, well I couldn't resisit," Marty said. 

Y/n pulled away perking her chest up and turning around, she grabbed his hand and said, "You never seem to," Marty followed behind her. 

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