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Chapter 36: Workshop Things.


"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."

-Ernest Hemingway, The Garden of Eden-


The following day, Islah kept his eyes on Yusra without care of the world. He knew she was meant to be his and he would do anything to keep her by his side. In sha Allah soon. 

He leaned onto his chair, crossing his legs over one another as he watched her call out random names animatedly. She stood in front of three of her team members; Than, Wren and Prithvi who tried to tell her the word in actions. She let out a series of laughter when she finally got the name right just as the buzzer rang. The boys high fived her excitedly as they walked back to their seats.

Islah realized she had made so many friends here and he was happy everyone liked her. But she would leave from Monday as her last semester begins at university. And there's nothing he or anyone can do to stop that.

It was the second day of the company workshop and like the first day, there were many activities planned. This was the second activity of the day called what's my name? Whereby one person has a sticky note on their forehead of something (name, place, anything really) and the team members have to action it out for the said person to answer. The team members cannot speak out the name or word. Islah found it interesting.

"You going to miss her, ay." He tilted his head to see Sheldon Romano staring at him with mirth. Sheldon Romano was Islah's business partner and long-time friend in one. Islah rolled his eyed before grinning and getting up to meet Sheldon.

"Hey man. Should've told me you were coming," Islah chided and Sheldon held up his drink in surrender.

"I did tell Markos. I guess he forgot." Sheldon shrugged and took a seat beside Islah. "How are you?"

"Cut the chase, you know everything, don't you?" Islah asked him and Sheldon shrugged with a sly expression. Of course he knows. Markos is on the phone with him almost 85% of the time anyway.

"Of course I do. If you must know, my love doesn't leave out anything." Islah rolled his eyes yet again before turning to his woman.

An hour or so later, they were done. Unfortunately, Yusra's team lost. She was sad, Islah saw but he knew she had to own up to it. Things don't always go like they plan and she needs to learn that.

"Guys!" Rabail called for attention for all of them. Everyone crowded around her and Iravat frowned at them. Islah saw this and let out a scoff, making Iravat glare at him before nodding towards Yusra. Her small body was covered over by the towering boys around her.

Without thinking, the man walked over to them and cleared his throat. Upon hearing that, they parted and so did Yusra. Islah stood beside Yusra with his hands in his pocket and his eyes on Rabail who had stopped on her sentence.

Wren squeezed Than's hands in his and nodded towards Islah with a sly grin. Than rolled his eyes and glared at Wren to not be so obvious with his fanboying manners.

"As I was saying, which do you prefer? Water balloon dodge ball with the losing teams thrown into cold water or paintballing in the woods?" Rabail asked with a clipboard in her hands and eyes on everyone. When everyone began talking at once, she held her hand up.

"Paintballing on the right, water balloon dodge ball on the left." She gestured and everyone parted to the right and left except Islah and Yusra who stood in the middle. Rabail rolled her eyes at Islah.

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