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Chapter 11: She ran. 


"What hath night to do with sleep?"

-John Milton: Paradise Lost-


Today was Thursday which meant Yusra had to be at the university before nine in the morning. So that morning, by six, she was up and about groggily. She managed to get dressed in dark jeans and top with a cardigan as it was beginning to grow cold nowadays due to the monsoon season. She tied her hijab and was out of the house by seven.

The university was fairly empty since it was merely seven in the morning and most of the students arrived after eight. She walked over to the building of the seminar and took a seat at the very top in the corner. Placing her bag on the desk, she leaned onto it and closed her eyes. A little nap, that's it. This is exactly what happens when one watches the complete season of Hotel Del Luna in one night. A friend of hers recommended she watched Korean dramas and having never watched it before, Yusra decided to give it a try. Hotel Del Luna happened to be the first one she watched and look what it did to her. 

The little nap turned into an hour then two and three. Yusra did not realize how time flew by until a loud voice rang through her sleep. It's a nightmare, Yusra. Go back to sleep. His voice would only pierce your nightmares.

But the voice rang again and again until she gave up and set up groggily. Rubbing her eyes, she let her vision clear. In front at the podium stood a man, dressed in black Armani and the finest of dressing shoes. The same ones she recognized anywhere. Her gaze traveled up; her mind constantly saying Astagfirullah at her thoughts of how good looking he was, until she met familiar blue-gray eyes staring right at her.

With her mouth agape, she stumbled and set straight on the chair. He is the guest lecturer? Islah? CEO Islah? Her eyes never left his nor did his left hers. Green clashed with blue-gray and she found herself being lured into them. Such beautiful eyes. When she snapped out of it, she realized he was speaking about encryption.

She turned to the person beside her, surprised to see one of her friends.

"Hey, Luna!" she whispered to the blonde haired girl beside her. Luna turned to her with raised eyebrows. She had eyes which were the lightest shade of gray and Yusra found them quite intriguing. Not as much as a certain blue-gray eyes she found intriguing. Stop, her mind chastised her. 

"What is he doing? I mean what topic?" she asked her and Luna let out a low laugh, the corners of her eyes wrinkling.

"He is talking about encryption. Before that, he introduced himself. Also he talked about careers in cyber security, what is was and stuff. Basically he covered cyber security and management" she explained and Yusra nodded, turning back to the devil in front of the room. He walked around the empty space in front of the room with grace and poise which Yusra admired about him.

The lecture was short. Like really short according to Yusra. Later though, she found out she slept through half the lecture. Ah great. Now I have one more thing to add to my bad character list.

"Miss Yusra Uz-Zaman?" she was hurrying out of the hall when her name rang throughout the room. With widened eyes, she turned to face the front of the room. Students who were otherwise uninterested, halted in their tracks to see what's going to happen. After all, who didn't know Yusra Uz-Zaman.

In front stood Islah Reza-Ibrahim, his hands shoved into the pockets of his black slacks. He was standing in front of the podium with Professor Fritwood and Professor Bashar. I am so done for. Professor Fritwood is here. Damn it Islah!

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