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Chapter 2: Little Kid. 


"What's meant for you, 

will never miss you"

-Imaam Ali- 


A & X. Inc is a place that dreams come true. It is where every computer science student dreams of working but only the best got into. A closely knit organization that was built on trust and loyalty years ago by the great-great grandparents of the current CEO, Islah Reza-Ibrahim. Even though it was built years ago, the organization is still a small one. Here, they are more focused on training and providing their clients the best. Which is maybe why, they are at the top of the Cyber world board.

A & X. Inc specializes in cyber security and management. If you think your system is the best, think again. They have the best analysts and strategist working together to make it happen, their top tier leader being Islah Reza-Ibrahim himself as the cryptographer. A & X. Inc is very particular with who they let into their organization and for this specific reason, they only take 4 interns per year. And these four interns are chosen from their performance at the Intern Interviews through a series of tasks which also change every year. These tasks are made specifically by the CEO to only allow access to those who are passionate.

Today was the day they tested for one of their projects, Aconitum for the first time. Aconitum is a software designed by A & X. Inc for one of the banks to protect their security information. The testing process is called the Penetration Testing whereby a group of people who test the software by trying to find loopholes. They are usually professionals who come highly recommended. They simply call it Program Testing.

The testing room was filled with people, rushing around with files. All of them had an ID card around their neck to grant them access around the place. A lady took her place in the front and called the place to order. She then stated that they would be starting.

At the very top of the six floor building, the CEO set behind his clean desk and stared at the TV screen at the end of the room. It was a CCTV footage of the event occurring downstairs. His blue-gray eyes shone with excitement as he watched them begin. Must be nice to be normal, he thought. He sighed and stood up to his 6'1 height, soothing out the non-existent wrinkles on his black Armani suit. He checked the time on his watch and sighed. The event was an hour long.

He took off his suit jacket and hung it onto the large office chair. He took off the cuff-links of his white shirt and placed them neatly in a line atop the mahogany table. He then folded his sleeves to his elbow, exposing the tanned arms that clearly displayed the upper arm venous network.

He walked out of his office, towards the elevators. Time to see what they are doing, live. He thought with delight as he got into the elevator and pressed the first floor button. Soon enough, he was on the first floor. As he walked past people, they greeted him with a smile. His PA, Markos saw him walking towards the testing room and held his hand up to call Islah over. Islah saw him and walked over to him.

The test room had clear glass walls which enabled the people outside to clearly see what is going on inside.

"How is it?" he asked Markos, leaning onto the desk beside him. A few other employees were scattered around the floor, watching.

"So far, so good. All 10 of them are trying their best I guess to break through" Markos informed him and he nodded. He shoved his hands into the pant pockets as his eyes scanned the room again. He found one lady amongst all men. She was wearing a peach hijab, was all he could note because of the computers blocking his view.

"What's the female kid doing in there?" he asked Markos who frowned at him.

"What kid? I am sure I checked all their ages" he muttered, looking around the room again. Islah rolled his eyes.

"The far left one. With orange headscarf" he explained and Markos gave him a are-you-serious? expression.

"First, the color of her headscarf is peach, not orange. And second, she is not a kid! In fact even though she is young, she came highly recommended by Professor Fritwood of Maccinhen University. Remember him?" Markos sassed his boss who nodded at him. Professor Fritwood recommended her? A child? For testing a software?

"Who is she?" he questioned, standing tall to see her work. His eyes immediately landed onto the way her fingers danced elegantly onto the keyboard. It was as if they were meant to be there. Such a rare sight.

"Yusra Uz-Zaman. I saw her name in our Intern candidate listing too" Markos told him, standing beside him. Markos smiled up at his boss with a knowing glint in his eyes. Islah's eyes were still trained at the girl who seemed to have lost all contact with reality. That was until her screen lit up neon blue and green causing everyone to stop and stare at her.

Islah raised an eyebrow at her before giving the same expression to Markos. She broke through? SHE BROKE THROUGH A WELL KNIT SERVER? Markos was as surprised as Islah. He turned to the others who stood dumbfounded. They had thought this server was good enough but clearly, they were mistaken.

Islah's attention turned back to the testing room, where the girl had stood up already with her back facing Islah. Islah turned to Markos and glared.

"Get the software team in the conference room in five" with that, he marched out of the floor towards the elevator. Once he was inside and the doors closed, he let out a smile. Finally someone to tackle these geniuses, he thought with excitement. It's been a while.

Meanwhile, the entire software team were in a haze.

"It was foolproof!" muttered their coder while the analyst simply shook their heads. They were geniuses outrun by a mere college girl.

"It was a good server. The only loophole there is, is the weak offence. It didn't let me get into it but it also did not defend itself from my other attacks. Its defense is good, its offense is bad" Yusra told them with a smile before walking towards the reception. Markos watched her go and turned to the team.

"Boss wants you all in the conference hall in-" he checked his watch. "-3 minutes. Best run"

With a smile, he stood there watching them panic. Being on the bad side of Islah Reza-Ibrahim is never a good thing. 


As salaam alaikum, my beautiful panda's! :) 

How are you guys? safe? I hope so. 

| R - C - V |



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