Chapter twenty five

Start from the beginning

I stayed quiet for a small moment, "That doesn't make any sense why would do that? I thought she was into girls?"

Tara hesitated, her voice sounding almost... guilty, "It was my fault. She is into girls which is why the team thought she would be the perfect person to make you believe that he cheated on you,"

I was angry all over again, "What do you mean it was your fault?"

"They did it for me. Because of all the times I had said I didn't want Liam with you. I never meant it, I swear. And I told them to back off and never do something like that again,"

"Thank you," and with that I hung up.

I knew it was a bit rude, and I probably shouldn't have. I wasn't angry at Tara. I was angry at myself. For letting him in, for letting him break down my walls. I should have never let him get so close, give him the power to hurt me.

I stood back up, my legs wobbling and aching. I slowly dragged my limbs down the road as I finally headed home. I probably looked like a crazy person. The moon was now up, it was full and surrounded by stars. That was the only way I could tell where I was. There were very few places in our town with so little light pollution that you could actually see the stars, one of them being the Anderson farm. And big shocker here, they were Liam's cousins.

I groaned, yelling at myself for my stupidity. Of course I went here, what is wrong with me? I shook my head and continued walking. I doubt they would notice me anyway. My legs took me as far as they could before I really felt like I was going to collapse, at this point I was dehydrated.
I staggered slightly, continuing on the road. A pair of headlights followed me. I paid no attention, going on my way, that was until the car parked. Not bothering to turn off the ignition the person jumped out running towards me. "Fire please!"


I shook my head and started walking in the other direction, this time faster. Liam stayed right on my tail. "Sapphire please wait,"

I shook my head, the tears flowing down again once more.

I can't do this. I can't do this right now.

"I didn't cheat on you! I swear,"

And I knew he was right. But what if he did? What if we got together and he decided I wasn't what he wanted anymore? What if, somewhere down the line, he realized he would never fall in love with me? What if I ended up like Tara, telling him countless times how in love I was with him, only to never hear the words back.
"I can't do this Liam," I choked back my tears.

He grabbed my hand, "Sapphire please,"
A droplet of water fell onto his cheek. I glanced up to the sky. Another drop of water hit my own face and before I knew it the two of us were becoming drenched. My own words echoed through my head: everything good happens in the rain.

Liam cupped my face in his hand, "Please Sapphire, you have to believe me,"

I stared up into his deep blue eyes. They were honest and sincere, and if I didn't know any better I would think he was trying not to cry. Over what, I wasn't sure. The thought of losing me couldn't be that horrible, could it?

"I believe you I whispered softly,"

His eyes lit up for a split second and I hate to be the reason they dimmed again.

"But I can't do this Liam, I just can't,"

I untwined myself from his grip. And I could practically hear his heart breaking.

I'll break his heart before he gets the chance to break mine.

And maybe that made me a horrible person but I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't let someone tear my heart in two.

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